FOAB Information

Tuesday 19 May 2009

Human Rights In The Military

Sometime things happen and decisions are made that i think everyone would be behind and am astonished to discover that people are up in arms against them.
The British courts ruled today that 'British soldiers sent abroad have the same human rights as any other British citizens'. Now how can anyone possible protest against that?
The judgement comes after Officers in Iraq continued to send Jason Smith out in 50C heat despite him telling medical staff for four days previously that he was feeling seriously unwell. Smith later died of heatstroke while out on patrol. The inquest also heard that 35 soldiers have died in Iraq and Afghanistan as a result of faulty equipment or lack of body armour which the judges ruled breaches their Human Rights.
The Ministry of Defence are appealing against the decision stating that 'To apply the Human Rights Act in a war zone flies in the face of common sense'.
Now maybe i have missed something here but do the Government and all these people shaking their fists at the Human Rights Act want the right to be able to send out troops without adequate protection and to literally work them to death in hostile environments? Laughably, they say they are doing it to protect the troops which is where i begin to think that someone has turned over two pages at once and i am missing something.
It should not take a court ruling for the Government to realise that it has a responsibility and a moral obligation to the troops it sends out to fight but hopefully the thought of ending up in a courtroom may focus Army officers and Government officials minds on looking after their servicemen a bit better.


  1. Soldiers deserve so much more than they are provided with. Seems pretty unpatriotic to me.

  2. Me also. I just can't seem to follow the logic that it's in the soldiers benefit.
