FOAB Information

Sunday 7 June 2009

Air France Flight 447 Conspiracy

There are some people who could be regarded as rather cynical with the things our Governments say. Roswell, 11th September attacks, the moon landings and JFK's assassination all have conspiracy theorists studying them and smelling something fishy and such is happening with the case of Air France flight 447.
I admit that it is an unusual case that the plane and its passengers has just disappeared without trace although the news is reporting that they have now retrieved 5 bodies, one of which luckily had their Air France tickets about their persons. That was a stroke of fortune because apparently the Atlantic is chock-a-block with junk from downed aircraft's. Original reports from Brazil that they had discovered seats from the wreckage were quickly dismissed as simply sea junk.
It also doesn’t help the mystery when 12 other planes, who were flying the same air route around the same time, did not report any problems with weather conditions.
There was also no distress call and Air France have confirmed 24 error messages were sent as the systems closed down one by one. As usual, we turn to the Internet to find out what the people think may have happened.

Terrorist attack. Unlikely as normal practise is for some group to claim responsibility almost immediately and as yet nobody has came forward.

Struck by lightning. Every expert and their dog has been on the television ruling it out, stating that modern planes can easily withstand a direct strike.

A series of unfortunate events. Unless it was almost immediate, there would have been time to send a distress signal.

Assassination. I am not aware of any big wigs among the passengers but this theory will grow some legs if it later appears that a person of dubious character was among the passengers.

Living on a desert island. Fans of 'Lost' really need to get out more.

The most unusual thing for me is that no wreckage has been found. Things float and an aeroplane the size of an airbus would leave a massive of debris and bodies bobbing about in the Ocean. I find it hard to believe that the plane hit the water and sank in one piece so where is it all?
It certainly is a conspiracy theorists dream.


  1. Lucy,

    Is it a "desert" island. I always thought it was a "deserted" island. I mean, it has trees and water and shrubs and such...

    What ever happended to "accuracy in journalism"?


  2. I always assumed it was called a desert island because it was full of sand and little else.
    The BBC show Desert Island discs will be ticked if they have not called it the right name for the past 40 odd years.
    Maybe it's a yank/limey language thing.

  3. hmmm, their are deserted desert islands as well... but lots of deserted islands aren't desert... it seems somebody got it wrong for 40 years!!!


  4. Lucy,

    I will admit that I could have it wrong. You see, I thought that pot pies were popeyes (American cartoon character) until I went to buy my first one at age 19...

    Then there is that CCR song "...there's a bad mood on the rise...", I thought they were saying "...there's a bathroom on the right...". The correct words make a lot more sense...


  5. or my personal favorite, 'scuse me while i kiss this guy'

    oh wait, he/Jimi was a loser drug addict so he doesn't count.

  6. Annie,

    He matters as much as, and no more than, any other person that knowingly used dangerous drugs to escape reality or to be cool or whatever lame reason he had for using drugs.

    The fact that he recorded 10 or 12 hit songs (that I happen to like) doesn't really change the fact that he didn't add much to society or humanity, and he didn't do much for his fellow humans.

    I could easily argue that you have done much more for society, humanity, and your fellow humans and I know little or nothing about you except you:
    - label yourself "Annie"
    - apparently are female
    - might live in Northwest USA
    - have some financial background
    - are around 55
    - you hated W
    - you adore Obama


  7. Oh! And music adds a great deal to society, Q.

  8. Annie,

    of course it depends on the definition of "great deal", but prove your statement.

    it might help if you first defined "great deal".

    - how many wars prevented (I know some good march music was important to the nazis)
    - how many hungry people fed (not counting musicians)
    - how many homeless people housed (not counting bards)

    + enabling people to aire their feelings and emotions isn't much value...
    + enabling escapism is negative

    How did "Purple Haze" add great value?

    Give us something tangible to back your statement.


  9. sometimes 'value' is not tangible, Q.

    entirely subjective. people have been escaping into music since it's existence. there must be a clinical reason for it. but i don't really give a damn.

  10. Annie,

    It seems to me that 999 out of 1000 people agree with you (may be important if you get your self-assurance from the opions of others). Music is just okay to me. I far prefer to listen to crickets, frogs, birds, waves, running water, the wind (maybe it will cry Mary)...

    In my job I'm forced to apply "value" to intangibles on a daily basis.

    For example: Americans use music to relax (between 50M and 100M) on a daily basis, which rapidly lowers their bloodpressure 1% to 5%, which extends their lives 1% to 5%, which enables them to earn 1% to 5% more in their lifetime, which generates $20k to $100k additional lifetime income per American, which generates an additional federal tax revenue of $100 billion to $400 billion every 10 years.

