FOAB Information

Saturday 13 June 2009

Iran Election Result

The problem with Democracy is that other countries, quite rudely, don't always elect who we want them to.
Iranians woke up today to find that the man they expected to be President, Mir Hussein Mousavi, has been surprisingly beaten by the incumbent President Amhadinerjad.
More than a few eyebrows have been raised by the speed at which the vote counters went about totalling the tens of millions of voting slips as to be able to give the nod towards Amhadinerjad having an unassailable lead mere hours after voting ended.
Mr Mousavi issued a statement dismissing the election result as deeply flawed and suggesting that there was a shortage of ballot papers and election monitors were not allowed enough access to polling stations.
With more than 90% of results in, the commission said he won 64% support in an election marked by high turnout which should have been more of a help to the opposition against a President blamed for many of Iran's problems at home and on the international stage.
Unless Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei steps in to force a re-election, and the chances of that happening are negligible, then we have another 4 years of Amhadinerjad which nobody expects to be any different from the past 4.
What's important now is that the three main players in the Middle East have been shaken and the dust has settled with a new American president, a new Israeli prime minister and a new mandate for the Iranian president.
It is even more important now that the pieces are in place, as objectionable as these pieces are in Israel and Iran, that America reigns in Israel and Iran accepts the hand of friendship America is offering because for the next four years the Middle East is going to be as volatile a place as ever unless the hardliners in Tehran and Jerusalem change their thinking.


  1. Not that it makes much of a difference, but even if Mousavi had gotten elected, not much would have changed. The last time reformists had control of everything, the Ayatollah just vetoed most of their reform programs and so nothing much got "reformed".


  2. True, the Presidency of Iran is more a bully pulpit than anything else, and although Amhadinarjad uses this feature of the position to its fullest degree, it's all bullshit and jellybeans at the end of the day...

  3. I'm not convinced anything that happens in the Middle East is more than dust in the wind, no matter how significant it may seem at the moment. Though I admit that I only have about 4,000 years of history to base this on...


  4. Q, I am always hopeful that the latest thing is the breakthrough which is silly of me really because it never is. That said, the next time and the time after that i will still think the same.
