FOAB Information

Tuesday 16 June 2009

Vegetarian Day

Back in the 60s there was a rumour that Paul McCartney was dead and had been replaced by a look-alike. Apparently there were clues to this hidden in Beatles songs that became audible when played backwards but it quickly become clear after the Beatles split that it was only his song writing skills that was pushing up the daises.
To anyone under 35 he is probably most famous for dying his hair, singing that terrible frog chorus song and divorcing that one legged woman but he is also a well known vegetarian.
He is now one of the names putting their weight behind Meat Free Monday, which aims to persuade people to go veggie once a week to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the world's livestock.
According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, meat is responsible for 18% of greenhouse gas emissions which is more than all the cars, trucks, planes and ships in the world combined.
There does seem to be a movement towards vegetarianism after the Belgian city of Ghent announced its commitment to the cause by going vegetarian for one day a week rather than fiddle about with changing some light bulbs.
I'm a vegetarian so of course i agree with the message but people are not going to give up meat, even for a day, just because some scouse bass player asks them to even if it is for saving the planet.
We need sensible, grown up debate to bring across the masses so remember that you are what you eat. Enjoy that big, fat pig won't you.


  1. Its a shame that i'm reading this AFTER I just got in from sitting out back with a glass of wine, and BBQing some chicken. I'll try next week. "PROMISE"

  2. My parents (who are 73 and 66 respectively) have actually just become vegetarians, for the first time in their lives, and it's mainly on ethical grounds... (well, they're more accurately 'pescatarians' because they still eat fish)...

    I can't see myself following suit anytime soon, but I definitely respect the overall principle that it's never too late to make a stand about something you feel is important.

    Some days I don't eat any meat, so forgoing it one day a week wouldn't be any problem for me... but I'd probably be more likely to do it if uncool celebrities weren't advising me to do so...

  3. Lucy,

    up until the 1800's America had huge heards of bison/buffalo that when gathered were literally dozens of miles across. seems in retrospect it is a good thing for the environment that we wiped 'em out...


  4. Paul McCartney won't be happy with you Cody. he is so angry he is threatening to come and sing at you. The man is evil.

    Good for your parents Cheezy, it's never too late. I also think that Macca was not the ideal person to tell anyone wehat to do. I even felt like popping down to KFC just to tick him off.

    Green cowboys Q, i like it.

  5. Green cowboys? I would think that even people in Europe would know that the Dallas Cowboys are silver and blue...

