FOAB Information

Wednesday 15 July 2009

2009 Predictions Revisited

As we are halfway through the year (sort of), time to look in at how our psychic pals at One World Psychics are performing with their predictions for 2009.
They said:

Kate Winslett to win best actress Oscar

An assassination attempt on Barack Obama X
Gordon Brown forced out of office and early election called X
A large number of C of E bishops convert to Catholicism X
Dam burst in Far East – maybe China X
Victoria Beckham pregnant X
Knife attack on a top celebrity X
Tsunami in Asia/earthquake in Malaysia X
Funerals for Bill Cosby & Robbie Williams and close call for Nicole Kidman X
Serious terrorist attack in UK and Germany X
Obama's wife in financial scandal X

They got Kate Winslett winning the best actress Oscar spot on but as far as i know Bill Cosby is still kicking around and Gordon Brown's ample rump is sitting in number 10 but we still have 5 months to go so they may be proved right yet.

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