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Sunday 5 July 2009

Buzzing For Jesus, Buddha And The Rest

There are not many game shows i would like to participate in but the one being made in Turkey sounds like something i would love to be part of.
The idea behind the show is for 10 atheists to be set upon by a Muslim imam, a Christian priest, a Jewish rabbi and a Buddhist monk who will try and convert them with the prize for converts a pilgrimage to a holy site of their chosen religion.
Now i consider myself an Atheist and nonconvertible by whichever religious group decide to bend my ear about being the one true religion and as much as i enjoy hearing them try, i have not yet heard that killer answer to my questions that makes me want to take religion seriously.
Not that i am one of those Atheist's that berate people for their beliefs, despite my thoughts on God, it does bring comfort to many and who am i to try and deny them that.
Back at the game show, the winner is whichever Atheist is converted first and depending upon which denomination succeeds, they win a trip to Mecca, the Vatican, Jerusalem or Tibet.
I don't know about any of these religions but Saudi Arabia and Israel don't appeal, China i might consider but i would suffer Catholicism for an all expenses trip to Italy. I'd even listen to the bloke with the funny hat mumbling from his balcony for a hour or so as long as i didn't have to actually meet the horrid little man.
If they ever make the show in the UK, i would love to be a contestant but they would need to find some more religions from better countries. Hasn't any religious headliners ever come from Canada?


  1. I understand that there is a religion that consider the Moonlight Bunny Ranch Brothel outside Las Vegas to be sacred ground. I wonder if they could get in on the contest? You might get a special visit by the high priestess "Air Force Amy" or maybe 45 minutes in the confessional by Sister Candy and her mother.

  2. Exactly what i thought Edward although i would be caught between poo pooing what they were trying to get me to believe and converting before you could say 'free hioliday in Italy' when the Catholic tried his luck. I was thinking Tibet for the Buddhist although i would quite like to visit Japan . India would be too hot for me.

    I would imagine that if you made a trip to the Moonlight Bunny Ranch Brothel you would find imam, priest, rabbi and monks there also.
    Hey, that's the start of a joke..A monk, rabbi, priest and imam walk into a brothel...

  3. One day two Irish bricklayers. Liam and Paddy, were working across the street from a house of ill repute. One morning the two saw a Baptist minister go to the front door. He looked left, than right, removed his clerical hat, and went inside. Liam hit Paddy. "Paddy, Paddy, did you see that" "Aye" said Paddy, "tis a shame, and him a man of the cloth." They then went back to laying brick. A few hours later the two saw a Jewish Rabbi go to the front door. He looked left, than right, removed his yarmukle, and went inside. Liam hit Paddy again. "Paddy, Paddy, did you see that" "Aye" said Paddy, "tis a shame, and him with a family and all."
    They then went back to laying brick. A few hours later the two saw a Catholic Priest go to the front door. He looked left, than right, removed his collar, and went inside. Liam hit Paddy for the third time. "Paddy, Paddy, did you see that" "Aye" said Paddy, "tis a shame, one of the poor girls must have fallen ill."
