FOAB Information

Wednesday 26 August 2009

Happy Birthday Billy Ray Cyrus

Before he become known for playing the father to his real life daughter in Hannah Montana, the name Billy Ray Cyrus here would lead to a quick burst of 'Achy Breaky Heart' and then a derogative remark about mullets.
Little did us Brits know that far from pollute our charts with that one song and then disappear off to spawn the offspring to stink up our charts over a decade later, he was a pretty big noise stateside.
Now i'm no fan of country music. It seems to be all about someones dog dying or their lover running off and taking the car but apparently over 20 million albums were sold to Stetson wearers across the globe.
How many songs he actually sang about cars, dogs and his lover leaving him i don't know and don't much wish to find out but he is famous now for acting with his daughter, Miley Cyrus.
To be fair to him, he ain't no Dustin Hoffman but he does okay which is more than can be said for his god awful offspring.
Obnoxious, shouty and annoying, i decided i didn't like her when she appeared on Johnathon Ross's chat show to promote her film earlier this year and dissed the Queen. Actually, it was Helen Mirren but she's probably more popular than the Queen. Not only did she refuse to say her name when they were on the show together, referring to her only as 'Her', she said that she didn't need any acting advice from her. I've seen you act Miley, i'd take the advice when offered sweety.
Horrible kid and i bet she ends up running off with your car and running over your dog in the process Billy.
Hey, you could write a song about it when she does.


  1. She's also having an amusing (and unlikely) feud with Radiohead, when they - inexplicably! - spurned her attempts to 'hang out' backstage with them at the Grammys. Incensed, she threatened to ruin the band's career! Ha! As Jamie Foxx commented, on his radio show: "She's going to ruin Radiohead's career? The same Radiohead that gets paid a million dollars just to sample their song? That Radiohead?"

  2. I hadn't heard that story before. That's hilarious. The only way she could ruin their career would be to sing with them.

  3. Lucy,

    good country songs are about:
    trains, jail, mamas, beer, being drunk, dogs, pickup trucks...

    you brits, geez...


  4. Do you know what happens when you play a country/western record backwards? Your wife comes back to you and your pickup truck starts, and you dog loves you again

  5. Are there any country songs about a mama who got thrown off a train for being drunk and steals a pick up truck and ends up in jail with only the jails dog for company? If not there should be. Warm up the hawaiian guitar, we got some depressing music to write. Yee hah.

  6. The time is right for some good depressing tunes. My mate plays banjo in a band specialising in bluegrass, 'old timey' country, as well as Appalachian mountain music from the 19th century... A little bit of Deliverance, a chunk of O Brother Where Art Thou, and a bunch of songs by long-dead & long-forgotten singer/songwriters.

    They're calling their tour 'Songs For the New Depression'. Their time has come!

  7. Cody,

    you are wrong. and if you cook an instant dinner in a microwave you dont go back in time either...


  8. It is impossible to hear a banjo and not think of that bit of Deliverance or those nasty George Formby films.
    Leaning on a lampost? He should of been swinging from one.

  9. Lucy, you seem to have confused a banjo with a banjolele! How could you?!? ;-)

  10. I hang my head in shame. George Formby would be laughing at me which is more than i did at him.
