FOAB Information

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Belatedly Punishing Polanski

For me the Roman Polanski arrest is outrageous. Outrageous that it has taken this long to get him. Here is a man who gave a thirteen year old girl drugs and alcohol and then went on to perform, to quote the 1977 charges, child molestation, unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor, rape by use of drugs, oral copulation and sodomy before skipping the country.
How anyone could even consider leaping to the defence of this paedophile is beyond me but leap they have.
The French culture minister, Frederic Mitterrand, says he is 'dumbfounded' by Polanski's 'absolutely dreadful' detention in Switzerland, declaring that it made no sense for the director to be thrown to the lions for an ancient story. He then went on to berate America for hounding him.
Most disappointing is actress Whoopi Goldberg who has plummeted in my eyes by making the excuse that whatever he was guilty of it wasn't "rape-rape".
She said: "I know it wasn't rape-rape. It was something else but I don't believe it was rape-rape. He went to jail and and when they let him out he was like, 'You know what, this guy's going to give me a hundred years in jail. I'm not staying.' So that's why he left."
How can it even enter someones mind to make excuses for a rapist and paedophile so Whoopi has just, i would hope, struck the death knell for her own career.
Being rich and famous should be not be any defence for anyone and if there is any justice, Polanski will be belatedly punished for his crimes.
Whoopi, you are a ignorant fool.


  1. Hear Hear. I can't imagine a single argument against this arrest. Of course he is being supported by Woddy Allen (i'm not kidding)the man who married his stepdaughter. SICK SICK SICK

  2. All right and proper and logical... and yet, for me, somehow... unengaging.

    I guess when I finally see the worst criminals - the war criminals - of the 20th and 21st centuries being stopped at the border and brought to justice, then I'll start to care more about us getting medieval on the likes of Roman Polanski...

  3. Polanski is a rapist, an ass, and apparently none too bright. The Swiss got him? Come on...

  4. I'm with you Cheezy. However, I also think Polanski should pay his dues, no matter how long ago it was.

  5. When you have Woody Allen standing in your corner you know the games up.

  6. "All right and proper and logical... and yet, for me, somehow... unengaging."

    Cheezy, even in times where I have disagreed with you (rarely), I have always found your counter arguments to have merit. In this case, I'm sorry to say, can't agree. I guess because my daughter is that age, it hits home a little more. To have had a man give qualudes and champagne to a 13 year old, and then rape her just sickens me to the core. I refuse to live in a society that somehow sees that as less than reprehensible even if he is famous, or enough time has passed. I can absolutely guarantee that if that was my daughter, I would hound that fuckhead to the ends of the earth to try and obtain my revenge. I am not proud of that statement, but I can't deny it. I don't care how good his movies are, this man MUST pay for his crime. In my worldview, I would think the Left should be all over this case. A man of privilege and wealth skirting the justice system? Lock him up.

  7. I may have been misunderstood here, Cody. I don't doubt that you (and many others) feel more strongly than I do about this matter. In fact, that was the nub of my point.

    However, even if Roman isn't at the top of my own personal "lock him up and throw away the key" shitlist, I don't have a problem in the world with anyone (young or old, famous or not) being pursued and punished for serious crimes.

    It's just that - in our mixed-up old world where so much virtue is punished and evil rewarded - I don't really burn for Roman to get his. There's only so much bile that one gallbladder can produce.

    But now that you guys mention it, yeah... fuck him... why not? :)

  8. i met a murderer once and it was uncomfortable being around him...

    why would anybody want to hang around somone that drugged and raped someone?

    it seems he has some icky friends...


  9. Great irony Q. His friends seem to be a big hunk of the entertainment industry...
