FOAB Information

Tuesday 22 September 2009

Where Did Switzerland Go?

There are some countries in the World that could just disappear over night and nobody else would notice.
Who would notice, apart from the residents, if Mongolia just ceased to be one day or Peru. Nothing against these places, I'm sure they are very nice, it's just that they don't really make much of an impression so if you woke up tomorrow and Peru was missing from all the atlas's then you would probably not even notice.
With this in mind, our new favourite world leader, cuddly Colonel Gadaffi, is hoping to rub out Switzerland under a bizarre motion he is ready to table at the UN tomorrow.
Following up from his fantastically mad rant against the land of cuckoo clocks at the G8 summit earlier this year, the completely sane Libyan leader is now proposing to share the Alpine nation’s land out amongst France, Italy and Germany.
So what has sleepy Switzerland done to get Gadaffi's back up so much? It could be something to do with the arrest of his son who was jailed for two days after assaulting his domestic staff while staying at a hotel in Geneva.
Swiss MP Christa Markwalder has been telling anyone who will listen that: “Libya has requested that it be discussed at the UN General Assembly that Swiss territory be divided and distributed to neighbouring countries. We are concerned that Libya will attempt to use its year-long presidency of the UN General Assembly to damage Switzerland's reputation.”
Gadaffi has already suspended the issuing of visas for Swiss nationals and forced Libyan branches of Swiss companies, including Nestlé, to close.
I expect that if he wafts a few barrels of oil under Britain's nose, it will get our full support but otherwise it is all going to be brushed aside for the more serious business of rubbing out Iran instead.
Just in case though, i can thoroughly recommend the Michel Thomas Learn to Speak French course to any Swiss residents with a need to learn French very quickly. Bonne chance.


  1. lucy,

    i don't know much about lybia's role in the un, but if it has one, then what else does one have to say to prove that the un is worthless


  2. Not so loud q, you might wake up tomorrow to find Gadaffi has made Texas part of Papua New Guinea.

  3. lucy,

    frankly, if gadaffi came to texas, he might not every been seen alive again...

