FOAB Information

Friday 25 September 2009

Who's Your Friend Gordon?

Remember when St Tony Blair was awarded that medal by George W Bush. Remember how he was so embarrassed that he put off accepting until he was out of office and then at some low key presentation so he hoped nobody would notice.
Well, the Labour Party seem to want to keep it quiet but Gordon Brown has been honoured as world statesman of the year and was handed an award on behalf of the Appeal of Conscience Foundation, an interfaith organisation which campaigns for religious freedom and human rights, by the former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger.
Henry Kissinger?? To be given the award of statesman of the year by somone like Henry Kissinger is something akin to being honoured for your humanity by Pol Pot.
The foundation praised Brown's "compassionate leadership in dealing with the challenging issues facing humanity, his commitment to freedom, human dignity and the environment'.
Really? That's what he got it for? Seriously?
What is it with these yanks and our Prime Ministers? It seems the more hated they are here, the more they like them over there. Thatcher had Reagan, Blair had Bush and now Brown with Killinger, sorry, Kissinger.
All 3 involved in highly controversial wars, two of them removed from office and one about to be removed at the first time of asking although nobody voted for him in the first place.
Awarding Brown for his leadership is almost as far fetched as appointing some crazed, war-mongering barnpot like Tony Blair as responsible for bringing peace to the Middle East. They did what??

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