FOAB Information

Sunday 22 November 2009

I'll Be Back LHC

As the Large Hadron Collider is back in action there was an amazing comment by a scientist on the BBC this morning who said that the whole idea went 'against nature and would be sabotaged by the future'.
The interviewer allowed this comment to pass but it sparked my imagination into considering a Terminator type situation where people come back in time to stop us making whatever catastrophe is about to befall us.
Nikola Tesla was a believer and Albert Einstein said the 'separation between past, present and future is only an illusion' which shows which side of the time travel fence they sat upon and i never go against the advice of a man who invented an Earthquake machine and a crazy haired German when it comes to all things scientific.
It is actually quite a simple thing to ponder that at some point humans will develop the ability to be able to travel back in time and change things so we could have a popular TV Star voted the US President to stop a female President starting a devastating nuclear war with Russia or making sure that Bin Laden is in the living room of his Pakistan home when the military break into his house or what about if we somehow introduce a TV Soap Star, what the hell, let's make her a mixed race one, and make her the Princess of somewhere like Sussex, into the British Royal's to shake things up a bit.
Think of the technology we had in 1909 compared to what we have in 2009 and us humans have advanced in amazing leaps and bounds. Imagine explaining Satellite Television to someone in 1909 and they would look at you as if you were crazy or tried to tell someone today in 2009 that there is a future invention from someone such as the search engine Google who created an Ai home assistant which can control the electronics in your home by using your voice.
The usual argument from time travel sceptics is why are we not overrun by people from the future coming back to see us? One reason could be that there is nothing worth seeing at this moment in time.
If i had a chance to go back, the most obvious times to choose would be 1914-1919 and 1939-1945 for the wars and 1969 to see the Moon Landing with a stop off in 1991 to see Nirvana live when i had the chance or 2016 to see George Michael or Prince one last time.
Maybe there just hasn't been anything happening so far for them to want to come and see.
I love the idea that our future selves are able to come back and try and either stop us, or let us learn from doing stupid things like eating diseased bats and causing a global pandemic (i'm looking at you China) although i may change my mind if there are reports of leather clad men wielding shotguns on motorbikes saying 'Hasta la vista, baby' riding around Switzerland anytime soon.


  1. lucy,

    how do we know that future time travelers aren't amoung us?

    it could explain how some people are so successful like warren buffet, bill gates, multiple lottery winners, the people that called in sick on 9/11, the people that called in sick on the USS Arizona on Dec 7, Billy Jean King, LBJ...

    Some obvious ones that weren't successful time travelers include Abe Lincoln, JFK, Saddam, a couple Henry's wives, etc.


  2. Very true Q although to complicate things even further, maybe originally the likes of JFK, Abe and Saddam were only minor politiicans of their time but through someone going back in time and changing a few things, they became World reknown and massive historical figures. Maybe i have just been watching Quantum Leap way too much.
