FOAB Information

Sunday 6 December 2009

Amanda Knox Guilty

Much said about the conviction of Amanda Knox for her part in the murder of British student Meredith Kercher in Italy. I watched the announcement of her guilty verdict and the 26 year sentence and the analysis afterwards on the BBC where the summing up seemed to go along the lines of going by the evidence, she was as guilty as hell and got what she deserved, echoing my own feelings of the case.
Around 1am, as usual, the channel flicks over to the American news channel CBS for an hour or so.
Interestingly, the Knox conviction was being discussed on there also but they had a very different view of events and the question was posed, was Knox a victim of anti-Americanism?
Searching around the Internet, i found American sites that posed this question and it reminded me of the 1997 conviction of the British nanny Louise Woodward who was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter when an eight month old baby died whilst in her care.
The British media was incredulous that a British girl had been convicted of murdering a baby by an American Court. Woodward's sentence was reduced to time served (279 days) and she was freed to return back to Britain where she now works as a dance teacher.
Now it seems that Italian justice is being questioned by some people in America although in this case, the imprisonment of Amanda Knox and her ex-boyfriend seem a safe conviction.
The change of alibi halfway through the case was the most damning evidence. From being in the other room to 'remembering' that actually she stayed at her boyfriends house that night was probably what sealed it along with the DNA evidence on the knife and Meredith's bra, the confession later withdrawn and the bloody footprint.
Knox always came across as an arrogant woman, a view supported by the Police testimony that she was performing cartwheels, doing the splits and giggling with her ex-boyfriend when she was first brought in for interview.
Being arrogant doesn't make her a cold hearted killer, and being American doesn't make her any more or less guilty but refusing to accept the verdict of a court just because of the murderers nationality is wrong on every level whether they are a British nanny or a pretty American student.


  1. lucy,

    good grief - there are 310 million americans. hence, every verdict is questioned (onshore and offshore) by somebody. knowing this, our press, the "talk show" industry, and the blog industry all "report" on every angle of every event - somebody will pay for it or look at the advertisements.

    to me the woman sounds like a nut. i'm glad she is locked up.

    bravo italy - when se gets out of prison don't send her back to america


  2. I don't know if it gives it any more leverage but the woman posing the anti-Americanism question on CBS was a Senator. Didn't catch the name.

  3. It has taken two years to arrive at at this verdict.. I'm thinking that, even if Knox does appear her recent guilty verdict, she will be eating prison food for a long time in the future.

  4. I see Hillary Clinton is sticking her oar in as well now.

  5. As I haven't seen television news in quite some time, I will have to postpone my determination as to whether or not Amanda Knox was guilty or not until the next time that I can be informed about the matter by CNN.

  6. I wanted to see what Fox was making of it but i have lost that particular channel.
