FOAB Information

Monday 14 December 2009

Evil Chavez At It Again

Since mostly all liberals are weed smoking hippies who pine for Communist Russia and want to see Israel wiped off the face of the Earth, it is no surprise that the lefties love Hugo Chavez.
Now they are getting all excited again because the chubby dictator is screwing the West once again with his Socialist toy fair.
In a deliberate snub to every decent American, he has taken food from the mouths of millions of Venezuelans to spend government money importing 124,000 toys from China and is selling them at 20% of their price to hard up parents for their children's Christmas presents. The evil bastard.
Toys include dolls, puzzles, prams and remote control cars with Barbies being the most sought after present.
The industry minister, Simon Daoud El Saden, said the merchandise was being sold at cost, stripped of speculative retail mark-ups. 'It is a way to control and lower prices.'
Chavez called the event 'a victory over rip-off capitalist toys' and even Chavez's political opposition lauded the bargain toys.
"It's positive, many people will benefit," said Antonio Ledezma, the mayor of Caracas.
The man is a threat to everything us right wing maniacs stand for and must be stopped. Today it's handing out dolls and tomorrow it's copies of Das Kapital and attempting to instill a fairer, more just system on the World.


  1. This is a great post, Lucy!

    Perhaps there is yet hope that the world may be saved from the domination of militarists, free market capitalism, and greed.

  2. I think Chavez and what he is doing over there is great. Vying for top spot in my person of the decade in a forthcoming 'end of the decade' post.

  3. Lucy ,

    i'm not surprised that David likes your post. i'm amused by the immaturity of it...

    if Chavez (thug) keeps it up maybe one day Venezula will be as good a place to live as say Cuba... now there is a country where everybody lives in equal poverty... doctors, bankers, and journalists are as poor as everyone else... well, except for the dictators and generals...

    it also sounds like Chavez (thug) thinks the Chinese are evil capitalists if their toys are overpriced 20%... damn the East...

    if david and you win out we will spend the whole day, every day, trying to create enough food to survive until the next day (no reason to store a surplus of food because that would be a form of wealth and the two of you would just give to somebody else to damn lazy to grow their own food) and repeat the process over and over until we die...

    while i admit that there are upsides to that life style (no taxes - yeah, right), i personally don't want to go back to the days of the pharoes (sp?)... 30 year life span, no creature comforts, live your whole short life within a 20 mile radius...

    i would also take this moment to note that you don't have to wait for the whole world to change... you can move to Venezula NOW and let your little hero Chavez (thug) take care of you too! Why wait?


  4. It was semi-humorous, written in a jokey style with an underlying serious point Q. Could you envisage your or my Government doing what he did? That's the Socialism i have been stuffing down people's throats for the past 3 years or so here, helping out the little guy and not screwing everyone over.

    Venezuela is far too hot for my delicate, white English skin.

  5. Lucy, someone a few posts back said: '...albeit with the disclaimer that I’m an outsider, so an American viewpoint may be more instructive than mine.'

    The 'anonymous' comment above suggests clearly that the American viewpoint is rarely instructive.

    Rather, all too often, it mirrors the extreme indoctrination that most Americans receive.

  6. That wasn't an anonymous comment. It me who said those words; to precede my (mixed) opinion about Barack Obama's performance so far as the POTUS.

    You disagree that it would be interesting hearing from various sections of the local population about this matter, David?

    Your call, I guess. Personally, I'm very interested in different people's perspectives.

    By the same token, I'd be interested in what any Venezuelans would have to say about Chavez. It's my impression that he's fairly popular, especially among the underclass - particularly in comparison to the economic privations of Ramon Caldera's second term, which disproportionately impacted on the poor - but no doubt we'd also find plenty of dissenters too.

    Not sure how many Venezuelans read Falling on a Bruise, Lucy, but if I see any around, I'll point them your way!

  7. I did meet some Venzuelans a while back and asked them about Chavez and his policies. They hated him because, something along the lines of, 'he only helps the poor'. As they were international students over here, i guessed they do not fit into those he is most helping. It only further cements my ideal that he is great.
    My guess would be it would depend on the persons circumstances whether he is liked or not but i'd love to hear from Venezuelans from both extremes.

  8. Lucy,

    journalists love to say it is their job to "inflict the comforted and comfort the inflicted"...

    i find that completely irrational and unethical since the same person that is inflicted today could well be, and often is, the comforted the next day...

    to me it is purposely misleading with the intent of making journalists seem motivated by "morality" when in truth it enables them to make money regardless of circumstance...

    example - journalists make money touting the virtues of Tiger... then the next day they make money impuning Tiger... then the next day journalists make money impuning people that are critical of Tiger or people that aren't critical of Tiger... Regardless, they make money off of the inflicted and the comforted...

    chavez is an ass - smart without doubt - powerful without doubt - but he is an ass - when the money he takes from "others" to "care" for the "inflicted" runs out we'll all find out how much of an ass he is and the journalists touting his "wonderfulness" will make money impuning him...


  9. The oil money will run out at some point Q but if it ran out tomorow isn't it better to have had 10 years when the poors lot was just that bit better and more comfortable than 10 years of what they had pre-Chavez?

    I do struggle to see just why Chavez is so hated apart from the fact that he is a Socialist which gets equated to Communist over there it seems. Surely his track record deserves even gruding praise.

    I did play the Socialism=Communism in USA with the 'You do realise Tony Blair is a hard left Socialist' line to many right wing blogs when they lauded and had pictures of Tony Blair on their blogs a few years ago. It was a good ice-breaker to get many pro-war, right wing bloggers swearing at me.

  10. Grudging praise as well as gruding praise.

  11. Lucy,

    i don't really like or dislike chavez. he uses america as an antagonist to help keep his mass movement alive - i'm aware of his tactics, consider them insignificant, and i don't really care - straight out of the book "True Believer" by Eric Hoffer.

    what does get under my skin is americans that think he and his methods would serve america well.

    in my life time we've gone from little or no government redistribution of wealth to welfare housing, permanant long term unemployment benefits, free health care (federally funded county hospitals in texas), and more.

    my federal, state, and local taxes are now around 40% of my gross income. america has spent trillions of dollars on welfare and it hasn't helped the poor come out of poverty - though admittedly it has kept them from overthrowing the nation. we are gradually turning the country into a nanny state.

    the reason i care is that i think socialism and freedom are inversely proportional - i want my daughters to have more freedom - including the freedom to fail or succeed on their own accord.

