FOAB Information

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Meanwhile In Iraq...

As the Chilcot inquiry rolls on we should not forget to look in on how things are panning out for the people of Iraq.

2 March 2004: Suicide bombers strike Shia shrines in Karbala and in Baghdad, killing at least 181 people.
14 September 2005: Co-ordinated bombings in Baghdad kill 178 people.
23 November 2006: Car bombs kill 215 people in Baghdad's Sadr City.
3 February 2007: Truck bomber at Baghdad market kills 137.
18 April 2007: 183 killed in attack on Shia locations of Baghdad.
7 July 2007: Suicide truck bomb kills 160 in south of Kirkuk.
14 August 2007: Truck bombs kill over 500 Yazidis, a Kurdish-speaking religious minority.
19 August 2009: Suicide bombers hit the finance and foreign ministries, killing more than 100 people.
25 October 2009: Car bombs kill at least 155 people in attacks on government offices.
8 December 2009: Baghdad bombs kill at least 112 and wounded more than 190

Tony Blair and George W Bush must be very proud of the Iraq that they created.


  1. Lucy, Afghanistan will end up like Iraq: a mess controlled by an American puppet after massive destruction and hundreds of thousands dead.

    The British, when they had an empire, did at least bring some good things to countries they occupied. I think of India in particular.

    When America occupies a country or interferes with its sovereignty (like Pakistan), usually it's stuffed forever!

    Americans don't have the knack of diplomacy that other nations have. This is mainly because they think that all nations should be like them and the way to achieve that is to bomb people into submission.

    Sadly, the Bible and the Gun is all they know!

  2. David,

    Yeah, Afghanistan and Iraq were awesome until we arrived... right? NOT. They both sucked by any standard before we arrived - well not from a facsist perspective.

    i don't know many Indians that thank the Brits for what they did while occupying India, and i know a hundreds of Indians.

    The Germans, Italians, and Japanese did okay with American occupation...

    Americans don't do things the way you want them to, which is not the same thing as lacking diplomacy. i don't see anything wrong with the American ideals of personal freedom, women's rights, innocent until proven guilty, property rights, and religious freedom - but that is very American of me. Are you arguing for other ideals?

    We don't just advocate bombing. Bullets are also a very effective way to cower someone into submission.

    We also know the Koran, Quantum Theory, Nano engineering, and Economics.

    Once again your posts indicate that you have a very uneducated or highly filtered view point - especially regarding America and Americans.


  3. I would find it very hard to justify any part of the British Empire David. Actually, i don't even try unless i am trying to make a flippant point about all the best musicians coming from the old British Empire.
    I do see us stiffing the Afghans as we stiffed the Iraqi's though David. At some point, just like we did in Iraq, we will declare everything hunky dory and pull our troops out avoiding the suicide bombers as we retreat and leave Aghanistan to the terrorists which will suit us fine as long as it isn't our soldiers getting killed.
    We can then start all over again by picking a fight with Iran.

  4. Lucy, following British occupation, India is now the world's largest democracy. It manages to function well despite the mixture of very different social and political groups.

    The British must have done something right there during their occupation, surely!

    And surely India contrasts strongly with Iraq where, because of the Americans, chaos reigns (as it eventually will in Afghanistan).

    "People who live by the sword, die by the sword."
