FOAB Information

Monday 11 January 2010


Fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer will recall the The Buffybot, a robotic replica of Buffy built by Warren that acted as a sex toy for Spike.
Looking at the sex doll TrueCompanion has created, i can't help wondering if they had some sort of Chrissie Hynde infatuation.
Roxxxy is a life-sized, anatomically correct android with artificial intelligence, an articulated skeleton and flesh-like synthetic skin.
‘She can’t vacuum, she can’t cook but she can do almost anything else, if you know what I mean,’ said creator and judging by the guilty look on his face, best customer, Douglas Hines.
'Roxxxy also comes with five personalities – Wild Wendy who is outgoing and adventurous, while Frigid Farrah is reserved and shy. Owners can also customise her features including skin colour, hair colour and breast size, as well as modifying her personality and topics of conversation to match their interests.'
Now i may be wrong here but i don't think men who buy Roxxxy will be much for the conversation although it will probably be the first time they actually get a woman to sit and listen to how they think Star Wars is the greatest movie ever made without hearing the words 'I'm just nipping to the toilet, i won't be long'.
Roxxxy is priced at £5,600 so toy shops can expect a stampede of middle aged men desperate to sell their Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader action figures.


  1. Will there be a LucyP lookalike doll? The world is clamoring for an anwser.

  2. Funny you should ask Cody, if negotiations go alright it should be out just in time for Halloween.

  3. nice thighs...


    ps - kidding
