FOAB Information

Monday 22 February 2010

The Daily Mail Upsetting The Canadians

My Canadian colleague is one of the nicest, unflappable people you could wish to meet but something has him riled and it's strange seeing a riled Canadian. It's a bit like seeing a laughing German or a sober Australian, very rare indeed.
It seems that the British newspaper, The Daily Mail, has been having a pop at the Canucks for being bad Olympic hosts, cheating and criticising its role in the death of the 21-year-old Georgian luger.
The maple syrup was almost spat in anger as the Canadians stopped clubbing baby seals for a while to register their displeasure at the British media, and us Brits in general, at the Olympic Fanhouse website. Comments included:

'Why don't they pay more attention to the elected officials who are being charged criminally instead of worrying about the Canadian Olympics'

'This story coming from a country that tried to conquer the whole world !!!!'

'I must be bored. Why do we care what they think? I don't hate Brit's. I just feel better when they're not around'.

'The UK press better have a stiff upper lip in 2 years, I hope their games go off without a hitch'

'I think its just a case of the brits being jealous that we dumped the comonweath and gave up on the queen and that upsets them'

All eyes are on Canada now because of the Olympics and this is bothering the Brits. They are simply cold hearted people who are JEALOUS. At least, we smile and greet people, not like them who are anti-social morons'

'Sour grapes from the underacheiving motherland!'

'you bloody brits are so full of sh--. keep your damn negative comments to yourself'

'I didn't see any Brit lugers...what wrong no guts as usual'

Why are we surprised? The Brits, by nature are inward looking hooligans who have been deprived of all their colonies. Their national soccer team sucks, can't play hockey, unemployment is sky rocketting, dishonest ministers are claiming expenses on houses they have no mortgaged on, London is getting filtier with each passing year, need I say more??'

'And in this particular instance, since when has England been such an authority or power house when it comes to winter sports? Oh's that stupid stick-up-the-butt accent that I suppose gives them the right to look down their nose at everyone else and spout criticism, isn't it?'

'Bloody Brits criticize everyone and think they are better than everyone'

'why dont you strap on skates to some of these big bad football and rugby pussies and see how they make out with our boys!'

'Who needs the Idiot Brits, a once mighty nation reduced to nothing. I say abolish the Gov General and any ties to the Queen, and Full speed ahead Canada'

'It's obvious I'm not the only Canadian who's had the privilege of experiencing the holier-than-thou English attitude'

'So-called "Great" Britain went down the tubes years ago and is now bordering on third-world status with crime, government corruption, completely idiotic local "councils", "justice" system, etc, etc'.

Well done to the Daily Mail, not only have you managed to tick off one of the few countries left who tolerated us but now i have to share an office with a grumpy Canadian stomping around at work in a brightly coloured shirt like some sort of miserable faced pelican crossing making fun of my stick-up-the-butt accent.


  1. If you really want to piss him off, ask him how the hockey game was Sunday. Make sure you duck though.

  2. Cody - Was there a hockey game on Sunday? Who won? :)

    Lucy - How long has your Canadian colleague lived in England? If it's more than a couple of weeks, you'd think that he/she would realise that being criticised by the Daily Mail is actually a very flattering compliment. I'll let the other commentators off because I'm guessing they don't live here, and because some of them were quite funny... e.g.

    "I didn't see any Brit lugers"

    That's because it's a German handgun, surely? ;)

  3. Personally, I don't much like the Canadians.

    They opened their borders to allow the cowards and pinkos in America to escape their duty to serve in our struggles against the Vietnamese communists. And I believe that was a contributing factor to our eventual loss in that war.

    If only they would have taken those student radicals instead.

    Oh, and they smell vaguely of radishes.

  4. apparently candians are human too...


  5. I didn't see the game but i did read that you beat them Cody which must have really hurt. You are playing Switzerland behind me and you are 1-0 up at the moment.

    He's been here about 10 years Cheezy and he's one of those really up or really down type characters. Gets very sulky if you say bad things about Canada and if you mistake him for American which everybody does. That bit is very funny.

  6. He sounds like a sucker for a Bryan Adams dig.
