FOAB Information

Monday 1 February 2010

Fight climate change, Join Al Queada

As a vegetarian, it has been mentioned to me on more than a few occasions that Adolf Hitler was also a keen vegetarian. Whether these people expect me to then unveil a swastika armband and goose step around their lounge i have not worked out but the assumption is that all if Hitler was evil, then vegetarians in general
are evil also.
The same goes for Al Gore and his green credentials with his warnings of environmental disaster unless we switch to low energy light bulbs while living in a mansion with the carbon footprint of a small city.
What we need is a spokesman for our cause with watertight eco credentials. Someone who lives in a cave perhaps and doesn't drive or fly or even get out much.
Hang about, who is this green warrior looming into sight berating someone for leaving the RPG launcher on stand by? Jimmidy Christmas, it's only Al Queada head honcho Osama Bin Laden.
In a new audiotape that surfaced this weekend, bin Laden pronounced himself a climate change supporter and blames the industrialised economies for failing to rein in greenhouse gas emissions that are warming the atmosphere.
'Speaking about climate change is not a matter of intellectual luxury — the phenomenon is an actual fact' he says while probably changing the bulbs in his cave to low wattage energy savers. 'All of the industrialized countries, especially the big ones, bear responsibility for the global warming crisis.'
You know the right wing are backwards when even a murderous psychopath who has been living in a cave for the best part of a decade has more enlightened scientific views than them but i'm not sure Bin Laden has the image we are aiming for.
It's not that we don't appreciate the effort Mr Laden, but don't call us, we'll call you.


  1. But, if he called you could figure out where he was...

  2. Very true Nog although i don't know how much of a signal he would get on his mobile in a cave. I live in the big city with mobile masts everywhere you look and i'm still lucky to get a full signal.
