FOAB Information

Thursday 8 April 2010

UK election decisions

The Queen has spoken and the UK election is finally underway sparking reams of items about how Labour is out on its ear or doing really well depending on which newspaper you read.
By nature i'm a Labour voter but since the Iraq War, i can't bring myself to vote for them until all remnants of that tainted cabinet have been expunged. It really irks me how they speak out afterwards but went along with it at the time. Good riddance i say.
David Cameron has sent everyone in my city a letter explaining just how great the Conservative candidate is and why we should vote for her but in the same postbag, a letter from the current Liberal Democrat candidate setting how just what he has done for the city during the last 5 years and why we should keep him. Labour are a distant third and the candidate doesn't even bother contesting it very hard.
It's all very confusing because i am of the opinion that they are all a bunch of shysters but i have to vote for one of them and politics is such a bad way that we are having to choose from which party has been the least corrupt and sleazy. The best of a bad lot where even the best is still rotten, but possibly not as rotten.
After the first term, Labour has been a disaster and Cameron strikes me as a Thatcher clone who will look after his rich pals before anyone else and the Liberal Democrats are just there to make up the numbers really.
What we need is a none of the above on our voting slips but the sad truth is one of them will be making the decisions for the next five years and i don't trust any of them to do it.
Democracy sucks when the only choices are between continuing to get shafted by one guy or to get shafted by the new guy.


  1. Ah! Found your blog. Yes, it's hard to vote for a party when it seems the major parties are beholden to the establishment. It was with that sentiment that I started Challenge the Establishment Blog.

    I write about many things on GDAEman Blog, but when the under current is "to get shafted by one guy or to get shafted by the new guy", then it goes on Challenge the Establishment" Blog.

    Thanks for your occasional comments.

  2. I've always been of the opinion that the greatest threat to democracy are people who are slavishly devoted to one party or the other, and won't ever cross party lines to vote. It creates a never-ending cycle that rewards the wrong people. Find a candidate who you can believe in, if you can't, write in someone, and be willing to look past party affiliations.

  3. I will take a look at the challenge the establishment blog GDAEman.

    I agree cody, it does seem that there are large swathes of the UK that vote for one or the other party and would rather just not vote rather than vote for the other. Many cities have been red or blue for decades and that's unlikely to change so it comes down to the swing voters to decide it.

    My problem is that i don't trust any of them, they have all been exposed as having their noses in the trough recently so it's a choice of picking the least bad one and that's not good.

  4. feels that way here too...


  5. Maybe, just a suggestion here, us more "civilized and democratic" societies could take a page out of the recent Bangkok storming of Parliament.

    Seems to me that our governments, whether they be UK, US or Canadian, would not expect that kind of reaction from their passive and tolerant citizenry.

    Doesn't have to be bloody but it would definitely make them stand up and notice that they are pissing a lot of people off :)

  6. I do have a half arsed theory which i will think through properly and make into a post one day that maybe the major blocks of society in the west are in place and all the Governments do now is tinker with the edges and we know what happens when you tinker when you should be leaving alone.
