FOAB Information

Monday 26 April 2010

Who I like

I know it is not right to make sweeping generalisations about countries and its populations but we all have our opinions coloured by our experiences while on holiday there or what we read or see on the television or for the most trivial of reasons and everything gets cranked up a couple of notches on the internet anyway so putting aside footballing reasons and just concentrating on the country, here is the countries competing in the World Cup this summer that i would like to see win it, those i hope they get knocked out straight away and those that i just don't particular care about one way or the other.

Being English, i of course want to see England take it but if they get knocked out i would like to see either France, Argentina, USA, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, N Zealand, Spain or Switzerland win it because for various reasons, these are countries i like.

What would ruin my summer would be if anyone from S Africa, Greece, Australia, Italy, Brazil or Portugal won it because these are countries that i dislike.

The old Spitting Image song about not finding a nice South African is true, i have yet to meet one and i had a torrid two weeks holiday in Greece a few years back so they can bugger off as well. It always gives me a warm feeling inside to see the loudmouth Aussies getting beaten at anything and almost every Italian i have ever met has been arrogant, smarmy and instantly punchable. Brazil always win it and i hate Ronaldo with a passion so want to see him, and therefore Portugal, out quickly .

All the rest i don't like or dislike for any reason and would greet any World Cup victory with a nonchalant shrug and the knowledge that nobody from my dislike list won it.


  1. Are you fellas running some sort of sporting thingie during the NHL Hockey Playoffs? My, whoever will watch this event?

  2. cody,

    you have to be kidding... i wish we could find a reason to outlaw televised hockey. it is an incredible sport to watch live and in person, but i'd rather watch remedial bowling than than watch ice crocky on tv... boring, nap time, worse than hot milk...


    i like the english, germans, usa, and - i cant beleive i'm writing this - france... arrrg - that made my typing fingers cramp...


    ps - you mean the aussies are louder than even americans? and what's up with the italians? everyone i know raves about how wonderful it is to travel in italy. my sisters and mom have been many times and don't have a mean word about italy or the UK, but don't get them started talking about the french - the gripping will never stop.

    PSS - what is up with lucy? are you really her and she really you and this is some kind of study for a thesis or something? or, are you her husband and she's taking a break while you take the spotlight. or, is she ill? or, is she on a global cruise? what's up?? i mean, even if she didn't want to be the main author she could still drop around and zap us once in a while!!!

  3. I think if the French won then I'd be sick into my mouth a little bit.

    Nothing to do with the country as a whole (or even the people) but the team in question are obviously a bunch of cheats who shouldn't even be there.

  4. I did see some ice hockey during the Olympics. Very fast but unless the rule was to ram each other through the perspex glass, not sure what was going on.

    Americans are loud but the Aussies are loud and a lot more whiny.
    I did say it was for the most trivial reasons and it seems that i get ripped off in Italy more than anywhere else.

    You will have to email Lucy to get the goss Q.

    I don't expect France to get very far in the World Cup but i have had some great trips to

  5. Q, with all due respect, just like I won't be lectured by an Englishman about fine cuisine, or a Frenchman about soap, I will not be lectured about hockey by a Texan.

  6. "just like I won't be lectured by an Englishman about fine cuisine"

    This must be why you're all telling that fat-tongued mockney Jamie Oliver to f*ck right off! I approve :)

  7. cody,

    and people from illinois know about hockey... yeah, right.

    i'll give you full credit on brats, and bowling... and if you live in chicago full credit on wind and lake affect... maybe wrestling...


  8. q, those of us who have an actual winter complete with snow and ice, outdoor ice rinks, and an original six team, have our hockey bonafides. As far as brats and bowling is concerned, we are a little south of those famous icons. That's what Wisconsin is famous for

  9. Jamie Oliver is over there? We must be able to strike a deal where he goes missing in the Nevada desert somewhere.

  10. Hanz- Unfortunately, even in a desert, he could probably survive with the 6 months worth of saliva he keeps below his bottom lip. Let's just stick him in a barrel and chuck him over Niagara Falls.

  11. What is a Brat (Bratwurst) you ask? Well it just happens to be one of the most delicious sausages ever conceived of by mankind. Handcrafted in Wisconsin, than boiled in beer, lightly grilled, and served on a bun with mustard and onions. Perfection

  12. Ah, I've had one of those - it was pretty damn good. There's a German pub in West London who do them... Although I'll make a mental note to have a proper one when I'm next in Wisconsin*.

    * Not sure how likely this is.
