FOAB Information

Wednesday 26 May 2010

Handling Kim Jong il

The film Team America World Police has completely ruined Kim Jong Il for me. As he prepares his armed forces to do whatever he has in mind to South Korea, i just picture him sitting in his palace singing about how ronery he is.
There is a serious situation brewing over there with a nuclear armed North Korea run by a lunatic and big pals with China and South Korea with 25,000 American troops protecting it. I should be worried but all i can think of is Mr Jong trying to say the word inevitable.
North Korea has been blamed for sinking a South Korean ship although they deny any involvement and has warned retaliation by their neighbours would mean war.
What makes this even more tense is that North Korea is no Iraq or Afghanistan. It has a massive military and although it obviously could not withstand an American attack, it would take large swathes of South Korea and the surrounding countries with it and with nuclear weapons that can reach the American West coast, Californians may want to upgrade their insurance policies.
The military might, and especially the nuclear threat, is what has saved North Korea from the recent trend of forcing democracy on countries whether they want it or not. That and the wild card, China.
If China decide, as they did previously, to back North Korea against the Western forces then we are all in for a bumpy ride.
What worries me most is the fact that Kim Jong Il is old and by all accounts the recipient of a couple of strokes recently. He may just be thinking in that crazy mind of his that he wants to go out with a bang before his heart jolts him one last time.
The Americans, in that way of theirs, cannot be threatening or make demands because Kim is not a bluffer. When they previously condemned him for test launching a long range missile, he just tested another by sending it straight over Japan.
Kids gloves and a cool head is needed, not Hillary Clinton riding into town shouting her mouth off making demands.
Kim is obviously a maniac but maybe he is just ronery, so terribry ronery. Damn that film!!


  1. I wonder if Alec Baldwin, Tim Robbins, Sammy Jackson, Susan Sarandon... Matt Damon... and all those other trendy-lefty A-listers are finally starting to figure out what an unhinged bastard this guy is?!?!

  2. On a more serious note, I thought this article in the Guardian was a fairly brain-dead response to the crisis, as the columnist tries to blame President Obama for the escalation of tensions (rather than, y'know, the people who actually sunk the boat) and gets totally 'blown out of the water' by most of the subsequent commenters.

  3. She did get a bit of a mauling in the comments section but it was a bit of a stretch to blame Obama for it. I do wonder what N Korea get out of it apart from attention and trying to scare more out of the west.
    If i was Iran or Syria or one of those we have our beady eye on i would be looking at N Korea and thinking he can get away with murder just because he has nukes. Fire up the reactor Abdul.

  4. Not only did he shoot a 38 the first time he golfed, I think that he just beat out Lee DeWyze for the American Idol title.

  5. Is Lee DeWyze the young guy with the long hair? I saw a bit of American Idol and he seemed the perfect Simon Cowell type.
