FOAB Information

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Cya Fergie

Good things to say about Sarah Ferguson are harder to find than good food in a branch of Little Chef but if we try really, really hard...nope, can't think of anything.
At least when her sister in law Princes Diana got caught out she had the decency to arrange being photographed coming out of a children's hospital afterwards, Fergie hasn't even got that much cunning.
Instead, she runs off to America to appear on Oprah and blame alcohol for being such a money grasping basketcase.
Drink affects people differently but whereas i tend to laugh a lot and tell jokes really badly after a few, she obviously tries to sell access to her ex-husband for half a million pounds.
Maybe she was drunk when she was pictured having her toes sucked that ended her marriage or hiring the woman her father was having an affair with so they could continue there affair.
The Duchess commented, "I love the fact that Americans embrace me. I said I was sorry for whatever I had done in the UK, and they embraced me and said, 'OK, we'll give you a second chance.' And they have given me my life back, the American people."
You can keep her American people and if you give her a couple of dollars she will let you suck her toes.


  1. Hard to know what's more pathetic: trying to sell access to a minor royal for a ludicrous amount of money; or pretending you only made that 'mistake' because you were pissed.

    Awful, cringe-worthy woman...

    I really liked The Daily Mash's take on the situation...

  2. The Daily Mash got that spot on, all i've ever seen Andy do is play golf.
    Nothing surprises me about her and i didn't hear her slurring that much as she thought she was getting half a million.

  3. fergi has something in common with americans - little respect for royalty... yes, yes american women like the idea of being a princess or queen, but not being ruled by one... oops, i guess we are... oh well, the longest BO can be in office is 6.5 mor years...


  4. Don't you worry Q, if she keeps on spouting her brilliant homespun wisdom, I reckon you'll get your Princess Sarah soon enough.

  5. I read today she has had her show cancelled over there after her showing on Oprah. The queen better make sure she has the crown jewels locked up tight next time she visits or she will be rifling through the cupboards.
