FOAB Information

Thursday 10 June 2010

Sanctions on the wrong country

The UN has approved the "toughest ever" sanctions against Iran over its nuclear programme amid fears the country is making atomic weapons. What good this will do i don't know and the other nuclear powers taking the moral high ground would be amusing if it wasn't so serious.
We do seem to have it in for Iran and the most quoted reason is the speech where President Ahmadinejad had demanded that "Israel must be wiped off the map".
Repeated many times by anyone wanting to bash Iran, if they had cared to find out themselves they would have seen that he never actually used he words words "map", "wipe out" or even "Israel" and repeated a quote by Ayatollah Khomeini that 'The Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time'.
This somehow got translated as he wanted to wipe Israel from the map and has been repeated ad nauseum ever since although he has clarified it many times at later press conferences that he was referring to the Ayatollah's words on the occupation of the Palestinian land by Israel.
Of course it doesn't make such scary headlines and America and Israel need a bogeyman now that Saddam is twirling his moustache elsewhere and Bin Laden has gone underground.
I don't want Iran to have nuclear weapons but then neither do i want anyone else to have them but who could blame him if he was after them? North Korea has shown that owning nuclear weapons is a game changer and Saddam may still be sitting in a palace in Baghdad today if he had actually owned them.
If the UN is going to be handing down sanctions, i would be turning my sights to another country in the Middle East who has been the most aggresive, broken the most laws and occupies land not their own and has covert Nuclear weapons, not the country that last attacked anyone over 200 years ago.


  1. Super Hanz gets it wrong again.

  2. Although I disagree with your "perception" of Iran Hanz, if I were you I would not get into to much of a lather about it.

    The UN is the world's largest paper tiger! Resolutions mean squat. Saddam "Insane" violated 17 of them over 12 years and all the UN did was wag their bony finger at him while he extended the middle one back.

    Even George Bush waited out #16 and 17 before he realized that all their gum flapping was creating mild windstorms and took care of business on his own. (Notice they did not do much to stop him either?)

    Iran will do what they want to do and the UN will continue to talk tough and walk limp!

  3. What i object to TIO is when something is wrong but it is continually used to bash someone over the head with it regardless. I see the 'Wipe Israel off the map' almost everytime i read about Iran and stated as a reason why it shouldn't have nuclear weapons. If it is ever attacked, that will be the meain reason cited and it's just plain wrong.

  4. Blimey... While I think the old 'anti-semitism' tag is being chucked aroud willy-nilly right now (particularly by jews in the US) but hell, I reckon it could be accurately employed right now to describe that last comment.

  5. That is him being seemly, you should see him in a bad mood.

  6. Cheezy Hanz, sounds like a foul stenched German dish.

  7. You can always rely on the good old Israel/Palestine issue to bring the giant intellects out of the woodwork... Not to mention the racist epithets.

    Hey, here's an interesting test for you readers out there: Put your hand up if you think that Hanz being critical of Israel government means that he must be anti-Semitic...

    Now: Have a look. Are you raising your hand? If you are, then you are officially a moron. Seriously, you can go out and buy the t-shirt now. It's been scientifically proven.

  8. To be fair they have raised the bar for their incoherent ramblings. It is now level with their big toes. Well done lads.
    Nemesis, congratulations for repeating back what i said to you and sticking a swear word in it. Get your own insult.

  9. Cheesy hands sounds like something you have after you have been wanking over a picture of ariel sharon anonymous.
