FOAB Information

Monday 12 July 2010

Another World Cup over

Another World Cup over and congratulations to Spain and a vigorous finger wag to the Netherlands who went from total football to totally kicking lumps out the Spanish in the final.
I didn't really care who won it out of those two at the start but ended up firmly rooting for the Spanish because of the Dutch tactics of stopping the Spanish playing by any means necessary and Robben's constant whining. Fair enough, breaking up the flow of a superior team is a justified method but it makes for a boring game to watch and it wasn't until most of the Dutch team were on a yellow card that the game actually got interesting.
The referee with the full little black book was an Englishman and i thought that he had a decent game apart from a five minute spell where he gave a goal kick when it should have been a corner which led to the Dutch attack which should have resulted in a free kick on the edge of the Spanish box which they skipped away from and scored. A rather long chain of events but one followed another and resulted in the Spanish changing into red World Champions t-shirts 6 minutes later.
Not a great World Cup, i expected more from the big names such as Messi and Kaka and England were embarrassingly bad but nice to see Nelson Mandela wheeled out once again.
Now it is back to the pre-season friendlies before the domestic season kicks off again in August.
My team are off on a tour of the United States and Canada and as we are millions in debt and have hocked any of our players who could kick a ball straight, i ask you yanks and maple leafers to take it easy on us. Oh, and if you want to make a donation to the club funds while your teams are pounding us, it would be gratefully received (just don't tell the taxman).

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