FOAB Information

Tuesday 27 July 2010

Blame the government, not Wikileaks

It says a lot about how things are run when we find out about our troops killing hundreds more civilians than previously admitted to in Afghanistan, and it is the owners of the wikileaks site that told us that wrongly get it in the neck.
It has long been the case that if you want the truth, you won't get it from the authorities, any authorities.
They will spin and twist, even apportion blame elsewhere, but they won't come clean.
I expected more from Obama but this week it has come out that rather than being '"surprised, disappointed and angry" to learn of the release of the Libyan prisoner in Lockerbie, his administration was telling the Scots that release on compassionate grounds was the preferred option.
The White House has now strongly condemned the release of the files, saying it is irresponsible and a threat to national security.
I would say the biggest threat to national security is not only starting highly dodgy wars, but killing civilians and then lying about it.
We should be thankful for whistle blowers and those that are willing to expose the dirty truth but such is the low level of esteem we hold for our Governments, is anyone genuinely shocked by this?


  1. Afghanistan being a big mess is fairly well acknowledged in the MSM(notwithstanding the details that WikiLeaks is in the process of uncovering), but the one you really have to dig for is Iraq... Violence on the rise (nearly 100 people died in bombings and shootings on the 10th of May alone), the Pentagon admit it can't account for $8 billion given to cronies since the start of the invasion, a power vacuum with a likely struggle between Malaki and Allawi is looming, hardly any infrastructure targets being met... Yet John McCain felt able to say "We already won that one" the other day to a veteran. And hardly anyone called him out for it. Jesus, what an idiot.

  2. And I see McCain had something to say about Wikileaks too... Yesterday he called for Assange's prosecution for leaking the documents... documents that he, in the next breath, dismissed as being 'old news'! He's having a laugh...

  3. I remember John McCain going to Iraq and walking down the street with US snipers on the roofs, helicopters flying overhead and surrounded by armed bodyguards and declaring Iraq a safe place.
    The truth about Iraq is coming out, Hans Blix was infront of the inquiry yesterday saying how the US and UK were going to war regardless of what he and the UN were doing. As if we didn't know that already.

  4. Yeah, Blix seemed to want to let Tony off the hook a little easier, and blame the Americans for everything. But that's a farce, surely. The American policy was Tony's policy, wherever it was going to lead. It was a case of 'jump! - how high?'.

    Back to McCain's absurd comment, how is it possible to 'win' a war when your one stated war aim was a sham in the first place? And the so-called liberal media gives horseshit like this a free pass...
