FOAB Information

Monday 19 July 2010

Oh dear

From Blogshares:

Falling On A Bruise suffered a huge setback with several analysts urging their clients to ditch the stock as it suffered a public relations disaster. The exact nature of customer dissatisfaction was not known but JoPro Savings and Loan o3 was rumoured to have had a hand in it. Industry insiders suspect a Europa (artefact) was involved. Falling On A Bruise share price dropped from B$2,877.01 to B$1,409.74

That's not good.


  1. I'm waiting for a 10 for 1 split...


  2. Now your playing in MY sandbox. I recommend an immediate roadshow and PR push in all the right places. You need to get front and center Hanz, maybe roll out Lucy at a few of these events (also, don't skimp on the booze and appetizers, it makes you look desperate). On my end, I will be passing the word to other brokers about how Falling on a Bruise is "A sure thing". If premium is available for a butterfly straddle on your leaps, than maybe we can get a reduction in the volatility of said security, and cash in on this puppy. Cody Bones, Broker extraordinaire, is here to help.

  3. Why don't you just run it into the ground? That's after promoting it heavily as a 'sure thing' to the guilless & unsuspecting... Then, when it's soaked up all the pension money it can, we can all bet on the downside and scoop the rewards. It's called 'Doing a Goldmans'.

  4. I will be splitting it 10 to 1, straddling butterflies and holding a show where i roll Lucy along the road. I think we have a plan.
