FOAB Information

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Fighting recession Russian style

When times are tough world governments come up with some novel ways of boosting the coffers.
They have tried taxing windows, beards and tea but people just blocked up the windows, shaved off their beards and threw the tea into the Boston harbour.
What they need to do is tax things that people can't go without hence why petrol, cigarettes and alcohol is so heavily taxed.
Of course Governments have a responsibility to look after their voters so they pretend that the tax hikes are for our own good so we consume less but in reality they want us to use more so we create more revenue, only they cant say that. Or at least most can't say that but the Russians don't seem to have a problem with it because the finance minister is urging Ruskies to smoke and drink more.
He explained that higher consumption would lift tax revenues so that more could be spent on social services. “People should understand, those who drink, those who smoke are doing more to help the State,” he said.
I have a feeling that this might not be a long term solution but at least in a few years time they will save a bundle on state pensions.
Gordon Brown likes to tell us that he saved the global economy with fiscal responsibility but maybe what was needed was some social irresponsibility and the Russians are leading the way.
Smoke, drink and be merry comrades for tomorrow you will literally die but at least the Moscow library can afford some new books now. If only everyone wasn't either too drunk or laid up with emphysema to get there.


  1. gordon brown and the UK saved the global economy? wow, i didn't know who to thank... when will it come to the usa?


  2. He was suitably ripped a new one over it q.
