FOAB Information

Wednesday 29 December 2010

Right Wing Madness Explained By Science

Of course we all know those on the right wing are a bunch of odd-balls with crackpot ideas who, left to their own devices, would probably end up stapling their own hands to their heads.
Us on the left look at them with a mix of sympathy, pity and exasperation as they go about their nutty way and we just thought it was because they were a bit dim. Turns out having right wing views is a medical condition.
Neuroscientist researchers at University College London have discovered that those who hold right wing views have a more pronounced amygdala which is the part of the brain associated with social interaction and emotion stability.
Wikipedia states that research on primates shows those with an enlarged amygalda were observed to have significant social and emotional deficits.
So it took a team of neuroscientists all this time to deduce that people holding right wing views are socially inept and emotionally unstable? We could have told them that ages ago and they could have spent the time on how best to treat them.
Until they come up with a cure for right wing madness, i suggest a simple test where you hand the expected social cripple a plastic bottle and ask them to place it in the recycle bin. If they stand there looking confused then lock them in a room with no sharp objects and do not allow them anywhere near a Government.


  1. lucy,

    i thought it was because us on the right had an oversized medulla oblongata...


  2. Maybe a symptom of having an enlarged amygdala is that you think you have a big medulla oblongata.

  3. Perhaps Q could submit a photo of his medulla oblongata and we could vote on its size.

    Digital enhancements are not allowed!

    Happy New Year to all!

  4. Medical double entendres, Julian Clary would be proud.
