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Friday 3 December 2010

Yee Haw Santa

There are some things that should just never meet. Susan Boyle and Lycra cycling shorts or anyone with the surname Blair and the keys to 10 Downing Street for example. Today i had the misfortune to stumble upon another abomination that should never have been. A country music Christmas album.
Songs about Santa being a redneck and driving his pick-up and drinking moonshine?? To the sound of a steel string guitar?? No, no, no no no American south. What do you think you are doing??
Country music is for men in dungarees called Billy Bob or Bobby Joe who say things like 'That's a pertty mouth on you, boy' to unsuspecting canoeists after engaging them in a banjo playing contest.
Christmas music is all about jingle bells, snow and reindeer's with shiny red noses and wishing it could be Christmas everyday. There is just no need for some stetson wearing escapee from the Dukes of Hazard to try and muscle in with songs about a redneck Santa.
Stick to singing your depressing songs about how your dog died and your wife left you and took your pick-up truck and let everyone else make decent Christmas songs.


  1. Mighty strong words from an atheist I must say. Redneck Xmas songs have been a tradition since Elvis was singing about a Blue Xmas. I have to say that we love our redneck Xmas carols over here.

  2. You are welcome to them Cody but not such a big hit on the south coast of the UK. Must be the lack of pick-up trucks.

  3. Ha ha, loved the nod towards the deliverance film. Don't know if if is the same one that i heard a while back but it is bloody awful and it sucks just as much in the middle part of the UK as it does in the south.

  4. "and let everyone else make decent Christmas songs."

    Erm... such as?? The Pogues classic is about the only Christmas song I can still listen to without wanting to punch something or someone...

  5. The Ramones did a great xmas song, almost a straight rip off of denis denis but with jingle bells. I also think John Lennons effort is a bit special.
