FOAB Information

Friday 21 January 2011


Fully aware for the stick he took for sneaking in the side door last time, Blair turned up to his second appearance at the Chillcott Enquiry into the Iraq War and breezed in the front door.
After pausing at the entrance for a photographer, he strolled confidently inside ready to put his side of events and to tell the public that he was able to ignore the advice of the top lawyer in the land that the Iraq invasion was illegal because he hadn't asked for it.
'I had not yet got to the stage of a formal request for advice' he explained before going on to says he "regrets the loss of life in Iraq but the West should stop apologising for the invasion'.
Fair enough, we have all used the sticking your fingers in your ears and shouting I'M NOT LISTENING defence before. True when i do it the result is we end up lost and not in a million dead people and a wrecked country but the principle is the same.
Just how keen Blair would have been to sashay in the front door if he had not turned up in the dark, two hours early and when the protesters were still making there way to the venue we won't know. Whether he would have hung about having his photo taken while being bawled at is also cause for speculation.
We didn't actually find out anything that we didn't already know. Blair is still an odious little man and the Chillcott enquiry isn't going to hang him out to dry like most of the country is baying for.
Disappointingly, we have to face it that he isn't going to end up at the Hague alongside George W Bush and he will never be held to account for his actions in 2003.
We did manage to get his book tour cancelled though and he is forced to turn up at places under the cover of darkness hours before he is due to avoid protesters and that's something.
What's that Mr Blair? You think we should invade Iran? LA LA LA NOT LISTENING LA LA LA.


  1. lucy,

    you mean Obama and W. Right?


  2. Obama can't be blamed for starting up with Iraq. He can be kicked around for what he is doing in Pakistan now, but Blair and Bush get the continued kicking for Iraq.

  3. Obama can also definitely be blamed for dragging his heels on shutting down that gulag in Cuba. And for continuing to lob money & blood down that black hole in Afghanistan... (this lets B&B off the hook not one whit, of course)...

  4. Sure Obama is due a massive size 9 steel toe-capped boot up the tailpipe for what he has done and what he hasn't done since landing the top job but then the left is always slow to kick around one of their own and of course, whisper it, he is black.

  5. slow, to kick. how about in a coma? once again the left doesn't even show intellectual honesty.


  6. Always have been slow to condemn, if at all, one they think of as their own q.
