FOAB Information

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Oh, We're Going To Khorramshahr

Hey America...have a guess who got an invite to Iran's party. What, you never got one?
Nobody likes you, everyone left you, there all out without you, having fun.
Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany all found invites in shiny envelopes on our doormats this morning inviting us to a nuclear party at Iran's nuclear facilities.
The US State Department dismissed the offer as a "clever ploy" and then mumbled something about they didn't want to go anyway.
To be fair, you can't blame Iran for blanking America who got diplomats to spy on United Nation members and is the financier of the country itching to drop massive bombs on it. It's hardly the country you would invite into your home, it would be the diplomatic equivalent of asking David Hasselhoff to hold your dubonnet and lemonade while you popped to the toilet. They wouldn't be able to help themselves and Iranian scientists would spend the next 4 years asking each other where that camera shutter noise is coming from.
Anyway, i'm sure Canada will invite you over if you are feeling lonely. Game of Charades and a few bottles of Labatt Blue.
Nope, best you stay over there out the way and we promise not to talk about you. Much.
Hey Russia, that vodka is meant for all of us and who asked Germany to provide the music...


  1. Great post, Lucy! It's great to see nations willing to stand up to the world bully, even poke their tongues out at it!

    Hopefully more will follow and eventually the U.S. will get the idea that not everyone worships it or thinks it is exceptional. In fact some people loathe it!

    I'm one!

  2. Hope you eat too much ice cream and are sick in Irans fishtank.

    Iranian scientists would spend the next 4 years asking each other where that camera shutter noise is coming from.

    Ha ha very true. I wouldn't invite us either.

  3. I sent my invitation back 'Return to Sender'... I didn't like the sound of the halal chicken kebabs, the de-alcoholised wine, or the waitresses who'd be led out the back and stoned (not the good kind) if you complimented them on the cut of their burkha.

  4. I'm not very keen on American foriegn policies i admit but it has given us some cracking bands and movies amongst other things David.

    Iran's fishtank, flower pots and the space behind the curtains will be filled if they try to pass us off with any of that Saffron flavoured ice cream.

    What, and miss out on the Uranium isotope in the goody bag Cheezy?

  5. With a half-life of nearly 500 years, uranium isotope is the gift that keeps giving.

  6. Music, yes. Movies, maybe but too many of them are filled with American B.S.

    I wounder how many civilians America has killed and injured since Vietnam and Cambodia? Many, many millions I would suspect though we'll never know.

    Americans would probably claim they are helping to eradicate over-population!

    Wait until they start dropping nukes. Wow!

  7. David,

    Many millions... there you go being rediculous again. Reel in the crazy extremes and increase your credibility.

    You need to work on your probabilities as well. We aren't worried about over population or global warming... those are the worries of people, well, people like you!

