FOAB Information

Tuesday 25 January 2011

The Palestine Papers - Day 2

Day 2 of the Palestine leaked papers and we continue that the sacrifices seem to be coming from one side only and it is the side with the least to offer.
One of the demands that Israel have been making constantly in return for a partial freeze on settlement building is for the Palestinians recognise Israel as a Jewish State.
In October 2010, Palestinian negotiators agreed stating: 'If you want to call your state the Jewish state of Israel you can call it what you want.' Settlement building continues today unabated.
The negotiators agreed to limit the return to Israel of Palestinians refugees expelled by Israel in 1948 to 10,000 out of the 5 million scattered across the Middle East despite the right to return being one of the Palestinian red lines.
America had it's own suggestion to make for the refugees in the most startling revelation to come out of today's papers. Relocate them to South America,
Condoleezza Rice, the Bush administration's secretary of state, wanted to settle displaced Palestinians in Argentina and Chile as an alternative to letting them return to former homes in Israel and the occupied territories.
Nobody is going to be coming out of this with any credit but the biggest losers will be the Palestinians who have bent over backwards and are rewarded with suggestions that they move to another continent and shifting goalposts.


  1. weren't the jewish people forced out of their nation, more than once?

    how far back are we allowed to go when determining precedence?


  2. Moving them to Argentina & Chile is a new one on me... a strange and sinister suggestion, that one... And what do the locals think?

  3. Actually, settlement building didn't continue unabated.
    Israel put a 10-month freeze on settlement building in 2010 and the Palestinians waited until 9 of those months had passed before entering negotiations.
    Another example of them never missing an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
