FOAB Information

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Stay There Piers

It is part of the British character that we like our celebrities to be humble, self deprecating and one of us and to stay that way forever. The second a celebrity moves out of that circle then WHAM, we gleefully rip them down and pour scorn on the arrogant little upstart getting ideas above their station.
Catherine Zeta Jones went from lovely Welsh lass to stuck up tart before her feet even touched down in America with her new hubby Michael Douglas.
Strangely, this doesn't seem to have happened with Piers Morgan because everyone considered him to be a smarmy, arrogant troll to start with.
Good for him that he somehow managed to land the job as Larry King's replacement and he starts in America with none of the baggage that followed him around over here.
Things like the £67,000 worth of shares he bought in Viglen just before his newspaper tipped Viglen as a good buy sending the share price soaring, or the faked Iraqi prisoner abuse photographs that cost him his job at the Daily Mirror or even how Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson punched Morgan three times at an award show over Morgan's newspapers invasion of his privacy.
Apparently the reaction to Morgans first interview with Oprah Winfrey was mixed with the main criticism being that he was too soft and fawning. As Brits we can only hope that he ups his game for the forthcoming interviews, otherwise he might come back and heaven knows we don't want his smug face back on our screens.
As we are palming off our unwanted celebrities to American television, we've got loads more talentless presenters our American friends are very welcome to. Have you met Davina McCall?


  1. ...or Fearne Cotton, Ant & Dec, Vernon Kaye, James Corden, Eamonn Holmes... the list goes on!

    It was the best thing Jeremy Clarkson ever did, smacking that talentless potato-faced idiot... The way Morgan would use his hacks from the Mirror to harrass people who he had a personal vendetta with used to turn my stomach.

  2. James Cordon really annoys me and the Clarkson/Morgan fight was one of those where you hope both get a black eye out of it.

  3. Yeah, Cheezy, I agree with you that people who carry out personal vendettas against others are the pits!

    You'd never do anything like that, would you?

  4. I think your moral compass may be slightly askew there, Dave-o.

    I'm talking about Morgan using his subordinates at work (who were there to make money for his company) to harrass people who he personally didn't like. Shit behaviour, by anyone's standards.

    Whereas having the occasional humorous dig at a mindless xenophobe on the internet is totally acceptable. I hope the difference is clear now :)

  5. I do remember Ian Hislop saying Morgan got his photographers to harrass him and follow him around after something happened between them.

  6. I read that Jeremy Kyle is going to the states also. Is there a contest going on in America TV to see who can hire the worst presenter?
