FOAB Information

Thursday 27 January 2011

To Cheer Or Jeer

We are coming to the end of the football transfer window and this is the time when the best, most exciting transfers take place which leads to a conundrum that i have never really solved in my mind. what to think of our teams players that leave.
Is it okay to boo a player that you lauded a few weeks ago just because he has upped sticks and joined another team?
Most fans seem to go with a player by player basis and how they left. Paul Ince left West Ham to go to Manchester United and got a roasting everytime he went back to Upton Park as did Theo Walcott when he returned with Arsenal to play against his former team Southampton.
Emmanuel Adebayor almost started a riot when Arsenal fans tried to get at him when he scored against the Gunners for his new team Manchester City and Wayne Rooney's ears ring after the abuse he receives when returning to Goodison Park with Manchester United.
On the flip side, Thierry Henry and Patricik Viera are hailed as returning heroes despite both taking their boots to pastures new and Liverpool fans cheered Robbie Fowler to the rafters when he turned up at Anfield wearing another teams colours.
There does not seem much logic behind who the fans cheer, boo or are indifferent to when they come back but i always get caught between wanting to thank them for all they did during their time at the club and wanting to join in the boos and screams of 'TRAITOR' and 'JUDAS' at them everytime they prance near the ball.
It's a dilemma but at least Ashley Cole had the decency of being a complete cock outside of football as well to make it easy for Arsenal fans.


  1. It's been a pretty quiet window so far hasn't it? I realise that the majority of the action always takes place during the last day or two, but even the rumour-mill seems quiet compared to the same time most seasons... Must be that age of austerity thing kicking in.

    I've noticed the general rule that 'wantaway' players who are a pain in the arse and agitate for a move (particularly shortly after swearing allegiance to 'the badge') are usually given the raspberry when they go back to their former clubs, whereas players who - to all external appearances - don't want to go, but are being jettisoned by the management, are usually treated alright, and sometimes as returning heroes. As you say though, there's not much logic when it doesn't work out that way e.g. Handball Henry clearly wanted to go but gooners (like needy spurned lovers in denial) still seem to like him; and someone like Craig Bellamy got sold off by successive clubs against his wishes, but still gets booed whenever he returns to his old pastures.

  2. I learned a bit about the game you people call football from Edward Heath. He had heard I was a big fan, but of course, as was his way, he got things confused and didn't realize I was a Football fan, not a soccer fan.

    Even with that faux pas, I preferred him to Harold Wilson.

  3. The Torres thing may spice things up if he goes to Chelsea soon as Liverpool will go after a big name striker and it may kick things off a bit.
    Even Harry Redknapp has taken a bit of a break from bankrupting another club and Mr Wenger still hasn't noticed the we have defenders made of noodles.

    Edward Heath was a Burnley fan Rchard so it would only have been a little bit about football.
