FOAB Information

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Duh, You Don't Say

You gotta love all these studies that get done on common sense things and conclude that men like to hog the TV remote control or the French use less soap than any other nationality.
The Bureau of Investigative Journalism produced another 'duh, you don't say' study today that found more than half the donations raked in by David Cameron's Tories last year came from the City.
Financial service firms and individuals with finance related employments donated 51% of the £22.5m raised by the Conservatives in 2010, the first year the Conservatives regained power, 75% more than was raised previously when they were on the opposition benches.
The research has heightened interest coming as it does as George Osborne, the Chancellor, has been widely condemned today for going soft on banks, imposing a £800million additional tax levy on the banks that amounts to less than the £1billion profit they rack up in a week.
'It beggars belief that anyone could claim that Conservative donors are influencing policy,' the spokesman pushed out to try and blag it said but i don't think anyone is thinking the city is influencing the Conservatives. We are thinking more along the lines of the City have bought the Conservative Party.
The saddest thing is that the only real alternative to a banker owned Tory Party is the Union owned Labour Party who receive 80% of their funding from Union subscriptions.
Why can't we just have politicians who are not in the debt of someone else because whatever they say, the parties cannot fail to be influenced by big donors because they will be cutting their own throats if they upset whoever bankrolls them and the funding dries up.
The only way out of it is to either get some proper people in power or make the Parties all Government funded so nobody owes favours to anyone and we can get on the job of knocking seven bells out of the bankers and telling the Unions to take a flying one.
Ae you paying attention Egyptian protesters, this is how Democracy works. Great 'innit!!

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