FOAB Information

Saturday 5 February 2011

Foiled Again

With his charge sheet including an arrest for theft, one for disorderly conduct and another for drink driving, George W Bush is no stranger to having his collar felt by American police officers but he has spurned the opportunity to see how we do it here in Europe by cancelling a visit to Switzerland amid concerns he could be arrested.
The former leader had been due to speak at a charity event in Zurich next weekend but he caught wind of human rights groups in Switzerland lodging criminal complaints with Swiss Courts for his arrest over allegations of ordering torture and decided to stay at home instead.
International arrest warrants have been requested for George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George Tenet, Condoleeza Rice and Alberto Gonzales at the International Criminal Court in The Hague but as Bush withdrew from the ICC in 2002 and Obama hasn't resigned, they can't prosecute them anyway.
Germany and Spanish Courts have made noises about issuing an arrest warrant for Donald Rumsfeld if his smug face ever turns up on their shores and Interpol are chasing Dick Cheney for his role in a Nigerian bribery case.
Fair enough it is not for the crimes he committed as Vice President along with the rest of them but i'm sure we would accept it if it meant him having to keep a vice like grip on his shower soap in the mornings.
What i don't understand is how Tony Blair can swan around the place earning millions and not have lawyers chasing him down the street with arrest warrants wherever he goes. There has been a few attempts by the public to impose a citizens arrest on him but otherwise he only has to avoid a few shoes and eggs thrown at him.
We may not ever get the men and ladies behind the invasion of Iraq in front of any Court, but we do continue to make things uncomfortable for them and that's some sort of small victory.


  1. maybe the US should take advantage of the UN in new york and arrest everybody we dont like.. the rendention their ass somewhere...
    maybe australia...


  2. Us Brits have been there, done that.

  3. "maybe the US should take advantage of the UN in new york and arrest everybody we dont like.. "

    Sure, if you want to arrest anyone against whom a strong prima facie case of breaking the UN convention against torture can be made (as it can against Bush) then you guys should definitely go for it.
