FOAB Information

Saturday 19 February 2011

Twitter & Facebook

This blog has now caught up with everybody else and is available on Twitter and Facebook. Apparently it is not the full, grown up Facebook as i'm not allowed but it's a page which means nothing to me.
Don't know what the advantages are to being on Twitter and Facebook (page, not the real one remember) but i was told they are the places to be and as a places to be kind of person, i asked someone else to make it happen and here we are with a blog, an RSS feed with my posts on, a twitter page with my posts on and a facebook page with my posts on.
Anyway, they are over there on the right so you can click on them and read exactly what you can read here anyway but who am i to argue with technology.


  1. Nog and I linked up via facebook long ago. i dont see how to invite you to my facebook page...


  2. I'm afraid i can't help you q. Maybe because i only have a page and not the full blown facebook but i will see what i have for adding people.
