FOAB Information

Thursday 24 March 2011

And So It Goes On

Citing 'Israeli crimes', Hamas ended its ceasefire and began shooting rockets into Israel last weekend. The next day, Israeli planes carried out air strikes in response. Hamas reply was to fire even more rockets so the Israelis undertook even more air raids, killing 4 civilians which so infuriated the Palestinians that a bomb was detonated outside the main bus station in Jerusalem which the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to respond to 'aggressively'.
And so the cycle starts all over again and each blame each other and missiles and rockets get fired backwards and forwards killing and maiming people who just want to live without worrying if a Palestinian missile or an Israeli bomb is going to come through their roof at any moment.
Anyone who follows these events in the Middle East is familiar with how this cycle works and how it grows bigger and more destructive and only seems designed to keep the decades old conflict alive rather than to end it.
The pro-Palestinians and pro-Israeli supporters can argue forever about who is in the right and who is wrong or how far back to go to determine who started the hostilities but if the conflict is to be resolved, the cycle must end.
But for that to happen, both sides must put peace ahead of politics but both Hamas and the Israelis need conflict with each other. Without Israel for Hamas to rage against, they lose their reason for being and without Hamas for Israel to rage against, Israel lose the reason for building on occupied land.
Yes both sides are to blame and yes i put more of the blame on Israel because Israel is the occupier and oppressor with the Palestinians the occupied and oppressed. Nobody should want to see anyone killed, least of all innocent civilians queuing to catch a bus in Israel or whilst sitting in their own home in Gaza so the commenter's, bloggers and journalists who urge Israel to hit Palestine hard for their bomb attack or justify a rucksack bomb at a Jerusalem bus shelter are just fueling the problem that nobody, on either side, is willing to call a halt to this tit for tat killing which will only end in more hatred and death and makes the chances of peace even more elusive.


  1. lucy,

    yes it does go on, as it has for millenia.

    i see the supporting logic behind most of your arguments being based on the logic that because humans can change their behavior, they will change their behavior. in one word hope.

    my logic: for your hope to come true, the vast majority of the human race must recognize, at the same time, that the biggest threat is not other humans (hard to do when historically the biggest threat has been other humans). Then we must all simultaneously disarm, surrender our cultural preferences, and sacrifice our individual wealth for the good of others... yeah right.


  2. You must have hope that humans will change their behaviour, or else we may as well give up now. It is the argument of the right that we look after the individual first and the group can fend for itself. It should always be what is best for the majority and that's why i hold Socialist beliefs.

  3. Lucy, I admire your stance. It's a shame you can't gather around you a few people who share similar views.

    Q is nothing more than a mindless stirrer, a boring anachronism. Most of the others are mostly into gratuitous self-promotion.

    I feel for you! It can't be easy.

  4. David G,

    first, could you please use small words when you insult me? a good insult should be obvious to the insultee don't you think?

    on to the actual insults >>>
    i think your are boring too and my daddy can beat up your daddy!

    i find you calling anybody a "stirrer" funny. i can't think of a more vivid example of "stirring" than your blog and the socket puppets that hang on your every word for their dose of daily negativism.

    anachronism - it is a big word. (why do the elite minded think big words hide their logic flaws?). the word seems to mean "the use of old thinking that is no longer valid". if the new way of thinking is to offer a steady flow of insults, then i'm glad to be old school.

    you do a decent job of pointing out flaws - but that is a talent most nags possess. i dont recall you ever offering a logical solution to any problem. you offer solutions, but they are akin to those offered by the likes of malthus. you rant on about how you want everyone to behave, using a wave length of thought that denies all history, human nature, and logic. the great philosophers are considered great because they expose the truth about us humans. the others perish unheard of because their foolish jabbering is based in falsehoods.

    as individuals we humans have the ability to make the changes you suggest. but when the numbers increase, self-interest kicks in and factions emerge, the individuals become a mob at odds with itself, and history repeats once more. there is no society or culture, now or in history, that refutes this. sorry that the old thinking still applies.

    your blog name says it all. you are on to something. you see the truth. then you go off the deep end in your reaction to your observations.

    im happy for you to live your life your way. bravo. i admire your motivation (it seems to be well intended). i admire that you have a vision. i think you are pissing in the wind, but it is your life and i don't care how you use your piss, unless you begin to interfere with my life.

    why do you insult me at every turn? are trying to influence me by bullying me? are trying to influence Lucy by bullying me? if you think i'm a waste of atoms then why do you waste your time? that is pretty small thinking? that is also, dare i say, anachronistic...


  5. Lucy, I support your socialist leanings because I have them myself.

    I feel that capitalism and satanism are closely related and the former, which is based upon insatiable greed and exploitation, has brought more misery and destruction into the world than any other 'ism' except perhaps 'religion-ism.'

    It's time that your blog reflects the views that you hold rather than those of the all male peanut gallery who seem to enjoy contradicting you.

    Hang in there, gal. Help is on the way!

  6. Sometimes I think that all of the world's problems should be solved with a few rounds of RPS. I think that one of the problems here is that nobody seems to have any incentive to find a final resolution to the conflict. The Israelis have no incentive because they will have to give up a bit of land. The Arabs have no incentive because they'll get far less than they want.

    It seems like everyone in the world should be leaning on both of them to cut a deal so that we can all stop worrying about it.


  7. Who is going to lean on the Israelis, Nog, given that the U.S. has given them carte blanche AND nuclear weapons?
