FOAB Information

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Black Metal Finds New Fan

I don't know what the Pope is up to these days but for some reason he was on the television doing Popely things which seemed to amount to waving and sitting down a lot. It was when he sat down after a heavy bout of waving that i noticed something about the Popes chair. A closer look confirmed it, the Holy one has only gone and become a Satanist.
Proof is right there where the Holy derriere is perched, an inverted cross carved on the chair.
When goats heads and pentagram are not readily available, devil worshippers and heavy metal headbanger types have made the upside cross the ultimate sign of sticking a middle finger up to Christianity and adorn themselves with the symbol that inspires churchy types to tut loudly at them.
They obviously thought themselves as pretty hardcore, take that Jesus, but there's only one man on Earth who is death metal enough to have an inverted cross carved into his own throne. Born to raise hell Ratzs.
Thoughts of the Pope starting his next sermon with the words 'I'm an axe grinder, pile driver, I got no brain, I'm insane' were short lived because if i and Cradle of Filth had paid attention in Sunday School we would have realized that the inverted cross is actually the intellectual property of Saint Peter, the first Pope, and one of the most revered figures in Catholic lore.
My priestly neighbour expanded on the subject that Pete was crucified and requested to be crucified upside down because he didn't feel worthy of dying the same way as Jesus.
So it seems all those satanists thought they were being clever and showing their disdain for everything Churchy, they were unknowingly joining the Pope in showing humility and unworthiness before Christ.

1 comment:

  1. I first decided that the Vatican must be full of Satanists back in '96, when the previous Pope admitted the truth of evolution. Such crackpot heresy. He is therefore the spiritual brother of Alastair Crowley, Richard Dawkins, and Tony Iommi, and as such, he must burn.
