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Sunday 13 March 2011

Time For Arsene To Go?

It has not been easy being an Arsenal fan over these last 13 days. From going for the quadruple 2 weeks ago to beaten in the League Cup Final, knocked out of Europe and now out of the FA Cup all in the space of a fortnight.
It could be put down to bad luck with Arsenal getting drawn against Barcelona in Europe and Manchester United in the FA Cup although anyone who saw the Barcelona game and our record breaking nil attempts on goals could see we were severely out of our depth.
It may seem conceited and selfish for Arsenal fans to whine about things like only reaching the Cup Quarter Finals and the last 16 in Europe when other clubs are going to the wall but Arsenal are one of the big four clubs in England and we should be challenging for the major honours each year, but we are not.
Listening to the radio phone-ins this morning and after the game last night, it seems more and more Arsenal fans are thinking the unthinkable and considering a change of manager.
After 14 years, questions are being asked about Arsene Wenger's ability to take Arsenal up a level and deliver them from the annual bridesmaid role in the major competitions.
It is six years since Arsenal last won anything and although we are second in the league, there is a sense of pessimism around amongst Gooners that Arsenal can last the pace in the run-in.
Myself i am willing to wait until the end of the season and if we win the League (and we have an easier run in than Man Ure) everything will be forgotten and forgiven.
If we drop away and end up biting our nails over qualification for a European place next season, i will sadly have to admit that it is time for a change at the top.

1 comment:

  1. I know I’m biased... but still, I always find it fascinating how the starry-eyed London media still refer to Wenger as some sort of erudite ‘Professor’ of the game... But...

    Question: If you look at the Arsenal team today, what are they lacking?

    Answer: A reliable goalkeeper, a couple of decent centre halves, a leader in the middle of the park, a bit more ticker/ character/ composure... am I right?

    Now, if you’d asked that same question in every single season for about the last 6 or 7 years, then you would have gotten exactly the same answer (i.e. he’s had all those years to address these problems, and simply hasn’t done it).

    I agree with you that all will be forgiven and forgotten in Arsenal end up with the Premier League this season, but in a way, winning the title might mask the real problems described above... This is because, although it’s been a fascinating season in many ways, the other traditional ‘big’ teams (Manure, Bluescum, Scouse) are going through tricky ‘transitional’ seasons and are not as good as they were in previous seasons... and both Man Sh$tty and Spurs are not the finished article yet.

    And you’re right that you’ve got a better run-in that Manure, particularly after you’ve cunningly given your fixture list a good ‘clear out’. You'll definitely make the Champs League anyway, I wouldn't worry about that much. I think you'll finish either 1st or 2nd.
