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Saturday 2 April 2011

HMS What?

Quiet down class and turn your history books to page 116, World warships.
I don't want any repeat of the disorder we had in the last lesson when we found out the American navy has a warship called USS Ponce. Yes Jilly, i agree it is a funny name and no Danny, i'm sure it wasn't named after the lead singer from the Scissor Sisters.
So for today's lesson, i would like to concentrate on some other ships without the juvenile snickering thank you very much.
As you can see on page 116, we have real ships from the Royal Navy flower class. From left to right we have HMS Begonia, HMS Bluebell, HMS Buttercup, HMS Candytuft, HMS Cowslip, HMS Honeysuckle, HMS Lavender, HMS Marigold, HMS Pansy, HMS Petunia, HMS Pink, HMS Primrose, HMS Rhododendron and HMS Snowdrop.
I'm sure i don't know if Prince Andrew served on HMS Pansy Karen but we can check later.
On the next page we have one of the flagships of the Titan Shipping Co who name their ships after planets. Hence Titan Uranus. Yes, i'm sure it is full of seaman Danny.
Okay, the last ship i would like to look at is the insect class gunboat, HMS Cockchafer...oh i give up.

1 comment:

  1. We have a boat called HMS Cockchafer? Those sailors trousers do look a bit tight.
