FOAB Information

Sunday 24 April 2011

Hotel California

I do plan, at some point in the future, to write a book. An epic tale that will stand alongside some of the great literary efforts of the past.
The only problem is i have many half ideas that i never work up into full length because i get a flash of inspiration and the last idea is quickly pushed aside.
I did have an idea sparked by the song Hotel California and the final lines 'You can checkout any time you like, but you can never leave'.
A hotel, out in the desert that nobody can ever leave? Why that could be a place where famous people go after they fake their own deaths to avoid their suffocating fame, founded by Glen Miller or Buddy Holly and they spend the day entertaining themselves with music and plays and are joined by other famous people like Kurt Cobain, Princess Diana and Tupac and then a reporter stumbles across it and threatens to breaks the story and...but the story got pushed aside for something else and it joins the many others in the past ideas bin.
The Hotel California storyline came back to me when i saw a story concerning president of Uruguay José Mujica.
I don't know what José has been up to because i was far to busy thinking blimey, that's Scotty from Star Trek.
Now we thought James Doohan died in 2005, the story went that his ashes were even blasted into space. But did he really go to the big Starship in the sky?
By the way, if i ever read a story about a hotel full of celebrities that have faked there own deaths and live in the Californian desert in a place run by Glen Miller or Buddy Holly and it isn't my face on the dustcover, i will seek royalties.

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