FOAB Information

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Democracy Conservative Party Style

Augean, a waste management business, wanted to use a landfill site in Harwell, Oxfordshire, to dump 250,000 tonnes of nuclear waste a year.

In a referendum in Harwell, 96% of residents were against this dump and the local council turned down Augean's application.

Augean, who have been fined by the Environment Agency for past breaches of regulations, appealed to the secretary of state, Eric Pickles, who explained that 'the risk of actual harm from the development would be very low and it should therefore be given the go-ahead.'

Augean were quoted as saying they were 'pleased' with the decision as well they might. A report by Edison Investment Research in March 2010 suggested that if Augean was to accept its full quota of radioactive waste, its profit from the site would be in excess of £100 million per year.

Democracy, where money talks louder than people. Don't you just love it.

1 comment:

  1. Why can't we stick it all in a big boat and sail it to Australia, like we used to do? Bob Hawke himself said he was keen to have it.
