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Sunday 22 May 2011

Newt is Crapo But Olympia's A Corker

The next American election is picking up pace and the Republicans may have lost the remarkably haired Donald Trump but in his place has stepped the magnificently named Newt Gingrich.
A quick look at his profile shows the man is an idiot of the highest order but putting that to one side, what a great name.
President Newt sounds like something out of Wind in the Willows and i would love to hear that name being bandied around for a couple of years although his name is probably the best thing about him.
Marrying your geometry teacher and having an affair while you are leader of the Republican investigation into Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinksi doesn't bode well. That and his anti-gay, black and Muslim stance.
Looking through the list of Senators, there are some others who should be made President just because they have a great name, people such as John Boozman, Mike Crapo, Dick Durbin, Olympia Snowe, Bob Corker and Orrin Hatch.
My initial favourite was Sheldon Whitehouse, how could someone with that surname not deserve to be made leader of the country but then I saw him, Saxby Chambliss.
British politicians have names like David or John, as exotic as we get is Eric Pickles so anyone with the name Saxby should receive a standing ovation where-ever he goes because that's just brilliant.
Credit must go to his parents who obviously were not swayed by the restrictions of giving their child a sensible christian name so they called him Saxby.
I didn't even bother looking him up, he deserves the Presidency with Crapo as vice President.
Saxby for President 2012. Failing that, just one that won't morph into an idiot as soon as he gets the keys to the White House would be nice.

1 comment:

  1. As well as an exotic name, Lucy, the contenders also need hair, the more the better. Trump was a shoe-in until there was mention of a wig.

    Yeah, a great name like Obama, hair like Bill Clinton, and perhaps the ability to talk underwater and you'll win the Presidential election hands-down!

    P.S. Brains are not important. George W won two terms even though he was a moron! Reagan wasn't much better!
