FOAB Information

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Not The Marrying Kind

There is a wicked phrase to cut down any unmarried person who is getting a bit uppity. It is one of those rare remarks that is so devastatingly cutting that i almost wish a single person would start up just so I could dash them with it, although i know i actually never would.
The phrase is: 'Still single? Even Hitler was married you know' a devastating verbal kick to the solar plexus stating that even the most reviled and hated person in the history of the World had someone love them, and you don't. Ouchies.
Even worse is that it is true, the man who killed millions died with a ring on his wedding finger and another human being promising to love and cherish him for as long as they both shall live which turned out to be a couple of hours admittedly.
One part of the Bin Laden shooting that struck me was the fact that his wife, one of 5 he had in his life, was prepared to charge at a gun toting US soldier in some sort of attempt to protect her husband and received a bullet in the leg for her troubles.
The newspapers report that this particular wife was 28 year old Amal al-Sadah, his youngest wife and she had lived with Bin Laden for 5 years in their compound in Abbottabad, never leaving the room.
Given that Bin Laden had been killing and maiming for well over 2 decades, she knew when she married him what he was so you do wonder what possessed her to marry the man because it wasn't the sort of wedded bliss that women dream of. No romantic walks on the beach or sitting on a hillside watching the sun come up or even a night out at the cinema, just a single room with no telephone or internet connection with the most wanted man on the planet watching his best video performances promising destruction of the west.
Josef Stalin found 2 women who loved him as did Pol Pot and even Saddam Hussein with his penchant for throwing people into a giant mangler.
Did the women in their lives just ignore the monstrous acts their husbands were performing? The first wives may have the excuse that their beloved wasn't an evil tyrant when they first met them but all these tyrants found someone to love them a second time for all their faults when they were at their murderous height.
Did they meet up with friends and say 'Yes, he has killed 10 million people but he does wash up and take out the rubbish without me nagging him'.
Possibly you don't turn down Hitler or Pol Pot if he decides that you are to be his next wife or maybe it is one of those deals where you think it keeps yourself and your family safe from the madman but they must lay there at night, listening to him in his slumber and think that if they just slipped a pillow over his face or poison in his coffee, millions of lives could be saved and nobody would ever know. The third possibility is that they are persuaded to overlook the killing for all the riches and power their position brings although in Mrs Bin Ladens case, this couldn't be the attraction.
So if you are single, don't be upset that even the psychotic nutter Vlad the Impaler has 2 wives, just avoid the person who looks as though his last few seconds on this earth will be spent in a dingy room of a compound wearing just his underpants with a dozen high velocity rifles pointing at the place where the left side of his head used to be.


  1. I used to have the same kind of thoughts about Denis Thatcher.

  2. You can understand why he was never sober. THose where the days when the PM's spouse stayed out of the limelight unlike Blairs wife who was one annoying cow.

  3. Cheezy,

    I thought you meant you had "thoughts" about him... kinda creeped me out...


  4. I don't think even Maggie had those kinds of thoughts about Denis... (I suspect her mucky mind was preoccupied with Cecil Parkinson, maybe or Alan Clark, instead).

  5. I have a good comeback:

    Q. Still single? Even Hitler was married, you know.

    A. Yeah, I know. Women love their bad boys.
