FOAB Information

Friday 6 May 2011

They Come From A Land Down Under

What with all the Royal weddings, Presidential birth certificates and dead terrorists being flung into the sea lately, a story has slipped beneath the radar that really deserved a quieter news week to do it justice.
Now we know Australians like a drink and often they get drunk and make drongo's of themselves but an Aussie submariner has once again revived that well-worn British past-time of mocking our Aussie cousins.
The Australian Government, as part of a campaign to stamp out alcohol abuse in the Australian Defence Force, released a video of a half naked Aussie seaman, paralytic drunk on a US naval base being restrained by US guards after he began scuffling with police, ambulance and even fire officers called to help him while attempting to put him on a stretcher.
After he was packed off to hospital, an ambulance driver sighed 'It isn't even midday and he was the second Australian to be taken to hospital for intoxication today.'
The incident reportedly led to strict new drinking rules and a spokeswoman for the Defence Ministry stating 'The Government has made it clear that the highest standards are expected from ADF personnel, whether they are serving at home or overseas.'
So far no surprise, a drunken Australian, what's so unusual about that?
Here's the kicker.
When he got back down under, the Australian Defence Ministry decided not to charge him with disciplinary action and promoted him instead! High standards indeed. Classic but it doesn't top the story of the Australian a while back who was stopped by the police and found to have the cars safety belt wrapped around his crates of beer while his young child sat wobbling and untethered on top.
We salute you Australia, or we will once you have sobered up.


  1. Apparently,Lucy, the half-naked Australian sailor took exception to some American sailors telling him that Americans should rule the world because they were superior to every other race.

    He fought 10 of them to a standstill before they finally subdued him even though he had a broken arm. "If yer bloody fairies was British, I could've beat up a battalion of 'em," he was heard to yell as he was led away.

    Even a drunk Australian is not going to swallow that kind of rubbish hence the deserved promotion!

  2. That story has the ring of truth to it... a bit like one of my Facebook friends who faithfully recorded that, the day after Osama got killed, Salman Rushdie finally stepped out of doors and wandered down the road to watch a hockey(?) match in Brixton(???)... and also that, on the same day, the majority of corner shops in Bradford closed for the day with signs outside saying 'Closed because of family bereavement'.

    It's all true cos I read it on the internets.

  3. I thought he got promoted because he upheld the high standards by only getting half naked. If he had kept his hat while he puked on he would be the Admiral of the Fleet by now!!

  4. Lucy, could you provide an interpretation of the second sentence please! You haven't been on the turps, have you?

