FOAB Information

Wednesday 27 July 2011

0.2% is pathetic

I thought we were told that the Royal Wedding was going to boost our economy. See, thought i remembered that correctly and didn't dream it.
Turns out that was a load of tosh and it actually dragged down our growth figures according to the Chancellor as he tried to put a good spin on the pathetic 0.2% growth.
Not just the Royal nuptials cost us but also the extra Bank holiday, the Japanese tsunami, a spate of unseasonably warm weather and Olympic ticket sales all meant growth was sluggish to say the least and put us bottom of the international economic growth table.
Moving to one side the large elephant with 'tens of millions of pounds bombing Libya' written on the side of it, shouldn't we be worried that despite pulling everything apart from the police to the NHS, it has all been for nothing?
The low growth figures from the previous quarter was put down to bad weather so is our growth all down to the weather or a Royal deciding to tie the knot? The money saved by sacking 500,000 public servants can all be pissed away by a few days of sunshine? How daft do the Tories think we are?
You would have to be blind to not see they are destroying our NHS, the welfare state, education, transport systems and police forces as well as making a complete hash of the economy, but because George Osbourne says 'there's positive news today, the economy is growing' we are supposed to pat him on the back and tell him to carry on?
Anyone who remembers the hell of their last stint in power, returning the Tories to power was going to be a disaster and it is becoming clearer with each passing day just why they are known as the nasty party.
Most frightening is that we have to sit back and allow this bunch of Eton toffs with no knowledge of life outside their cossetted existence to destroy our lives while telling us everything is great and can do absolutely nothing about it.


  1. Parties with labels like Tory, Conservative, Republican, etc, have one purpose: to make the rich richer and screw the poor.

    They are the political equivalent of the parasitic Royalty which most nations have managed to get rid of.

    In Britain, after a dose of Blair and Brown, I can understand the need for change. However jumping from the frying pan into the fire was not so smart!

  2. Shamefully there doesn't seem much difference between Labour and the Tories now David, neither seem run for the benefit of those who need it the most.
