FOAB Information

Saturday 2 July 2011

Why women should not run the World

Hillary Clinton was on the television this morning responding to Colonel Gadaffi's warning that unless we stop dropping bombs on his country, he would retaliate with attacks on civilians in Europe.
The brave Mrs Clinton dismissed it and said that we have to see this through before hopping onto a plane and flying back to America 5000 miles away.
I do have many problems with politicians and their wars. The safest people in any war is always the people who decide to have them. You have to go back to King George II to find the last British ruler who actually took part in a conflict he decided to be part of. It's like a bully punching my friend in the face until i hand over my dinner money and me saying that he can punch as hard as he likes he isn't having it.
Winston Churchill is often mentioned as the greatest Brit although he spent the vast majority of the war drunk in a fortified underground bunker just popping his bald head out occasionally to tell Hitler we will fight him on the beaches and then disappearing again.
I don't know what it is about Hillary Clinton but she comes across as instantly dislikable but then female American politicians seem to have an aura of being horrible people.
Condoleezza Rice had a smug look about her and as she stitched up Jack Straw over his relationship with Muslims in his Blackburn constituency while the Iraq War was going on, a nasty, backstabbing cow to boot.
Madeline Albright and her reply that "we think the price is worth it" to a question about half million Iraqi children dying confirmed just what a cold hearted bitch she was and then there is Sarah Palin who shouldn't be trusted with scissors without adult supervision and the latest female vying for the White House seat, Michele Bachmann, who is a paranoid basketcase.
Add to the list the evil that was our own Margaret Thatcher and that's a massive bra-shaped hole blown in the argument that women should be running the World.
I agree that men have not done much of a bang up job themselves but it seems that the woman who rise to the top in politics are the last women you want in positions of power.


  1. Hanz,

    I don't want to be within a kilometer of you when the retailations being! Q woman scorned and all - good luck bro...

    From a far distance!!


  2. begin... when the retaliations begin...


  3. I am relying on the first bit of the last line covering me q.

  4. ”Winston Churchill is often mentioned as the greatest Brit although he spent the vast majority of the war drunk in a fortified underground bunker just popping his bald head out occasionally to tell Hitler we will fight him on the beaches and then disappearing again.”

    Hmmm. Bit misleading and unfair, all of that. During his military career, Churchill fought all over the world and was known for his daring and valour (sometimes even recklessness)… Winnie's military record was one of the (many) reasons why sensible people were so sickened when, during the Iraq invasion, some idiots seriously attempted to draw comparisons between Churchill and chickenhawk Dubya Bush…

    Churchill being able to speak English was another thing that distinguished them.

    Even during WW2, Churchill wanted to land with his troops during D-Day, and it was only the entreaties of the King that prevented him. This letter testifying to this episode is on view in the (fascinating) Churchill War Rooms near Horseguards Parade.

    I’m totally with you about all of those psycho-women though.

  5. It was just a flippant point to show how the leaders are the safest people in any war. I struggle to think of any recent conflict where the leader hasn't been there at the end. Which is where you will know name dozens of them. Saddam possibly.

  6. "It was just a flippant point to show how the leaders are the safest people in any war."

    Generally that's right of course, especially the leaders who control weaponry that can kill from hundreds of miles away (and are waging war against people who don't control weapons of similar efficacy).

    My word verification is 'fookabl'... snigger, chortle.

  7. you mean except for the leaders that are assassinated... in my life 2 of our presidents were shot and W had to dodge a shoe...

