FOAB Information

Thursday 6 October 2011

Don't Trust UK Or US Over Syria

In one of his more articulate moments, Gerorge W Bush said 'Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again' which is exactly what Russia and China have said to America and Britain with their veto of the UN security council resolution calling on increasing pressure on Syria.
British Foreign Secretary, William Hague, described the veto as 'mistaken' and the US ambassador, Susan Rice is said to be 'outraged' over the decision from Moscow and Beijing.
After the West demonstrated in Libya that they cannot be trusted because of the way they persuaded their fellow veto holders to back a resolution on a no-fly zone and promptly proceeded to abuse that resolution to justify their own agenda of regime change and act as the air force for one side in a civil war, why are they surprised they are no longer believed when it comes to humanitarian intervention?
This is what happens when previous trusts has been abused but what why did Russia and China get the West hot under the collar?
The US, Britain and France were pushing for a UN vote on a resolution threatening “targeted measures” if the Syrian regime does not halt its crackdown against civilians but Russia, China, India, South Africa and Brazil were opposed with the Russians stating they could not support the Vote unless a clause was inserted that there will be no military intervention of any kind by any external force and no opposition to the Syrian regime will be armed by external countries.
This was rejected by the US, UK & France and led to Hague and Rice's outrage.
So the usual suspects who made such a fine job in Libya recently (15,000 dead at the last count), refused to agree to no military action against Syria and raged at those opposing it from invading yet another Middle Eastern country out of love for freedom, justice, democracy and liberty.
Even Hillary Clinton has got in on the act, saying the UN had 'failed in its responsibility to maintain international peace and defend civilians'.
She even criticized Russia and China for failing to stand with Syria's protesters while they brave the streets to voice their opposition to Bashar Assad's regime and criticised countries still sending weapons to the Assad regime even as they are turned against innocent men, women and children.
Something America is dead against, unless the brutal thuggish regime is ruling over Bahrain who are on the brink of receiving $53 million's worth of weapons, mostly armoured Humm-Vees, perfect for use against those pesky demonstrators who annoyingly keep braving the streets to voice their opposition to the ruling regime.
Seems some Governments are to be overthrown when they brutally repress protesters and others are sold weapons to kill and wound even more.
The UK, US and France are not to be trusted when it comes to oil rich countries and UN Resolutions and even George W Bush almost knew that which is why he never bothered trying to get one in either of his wars.


  1. everybody is looking out for THEIR OWN interest. everybody. what's new about that?

    when in human history has that not been true?


  2. Perhaps it's time for the nations of the world to grow up and realize that their self-interest must be put aside and the interests of ALL THE WORLD'S PEOPLE taken into account and satisfied.

    Perhaps it's time to set aside the LAW OF THE JUNGLE and begin to act like intelligent beings rather than greedy, destructive, violent children.

    I know you find it difficult to think outside the box, Q, but people like you are why the world is in such a mess.

    It's time for us to move away from primitive concepts and barbarism and embrace cooperation and compassion.

    If we don't, we will soon become extinct!

  3. There isn't anything new about it q but it doesn't make it right. I don't suppose Russia and China voted it down out of some altruistic reasoning but then the UK, France and the US were not doing it for that reason either. David has it right, we need to move away from the law of the jungle and behaving like violent destructrive children.

  4. David G,

    Once again with the personal attacks…

    You say “Perhaps it's time for the nations of the world to grow up…” Well, I have not levied a personal attack against you in quite some time yet you continue. Can you grow up?

    You say “…that their self-interest must be put aside and the interests of ALL THE WORLD'S PEOPLE taken into account and satisfied.” Does that mean all the people that agree with you? I’ve not seen you accept even the slightest deviation from your views including the many comments posted by your followers on your blog. Also, aren’t you pursuing your own personal interests in your very arguments?

    You say “Perhaps it's time to set aside the LAW OF THE JUNGLE and begin to act like intelligent beings rather than greedy, destructive, violent children.” Yet toward me since I disagree you reply like a “violent child.” No?

    You say “I know you find it difficult to think outside the box, Q, but people like you are why the world is in such a mess.” Well, you don’t know enough about me to draw an accurate conclusion. I’ve have 2 adult children that follow the law, volunteer much of their time to help people in need, and are civil enough to allow others to have their own opinion without making personal attacks. I also volunteer hundreds of my hours each year to help the needy as well as many donating many thousands of dollars annually. I’m very adept at thinking out the box. It is my job in fact. I’m very able to see multiple perspectives from multiple cultural viewpoints. What I find hard to do is to ignore the reality of human history and current human behavior to the point of believing that we can make the changes you suggest. I think the world would be a better place if many of your views were reality but your views are unrealistic. To quote Jim Croche “you don’t put on superman’s cape, you don’t spit into the wind, you don’t take the mask off the ol’ lone ranger and you don’t mess around with” powerful cultures, nations, and the entire existence of humans. IT IS A WASTE OF TIME and when people like you use their votes to impose your thinking via the force of government we get jacked up shit like “national health care” that is doomed…

    You say “It's time for us to move away from primitive concepts and barbarism and embrace cooperation and compassion.” You sound like Obama. All is good as long as “cooperation” means your way!

    You say “If we don't, we will soon become extinct!” Yeah well that is what Malthus thought too…


  5. David G,

    Oh yeah, your words and your actions don't match. That fits the definition of a fraud.

