FOAB Information

Tuesday 8 November 2011

White House Say No ET

Barack Obama's administration has said it has no evidence that extraterrestrial creatures exist in response to a White House petition signed by over 5000 people demanding that the White House disclose the government's knowledge of extraterrestrial beings. More than 12,000 signed another petition seeking answers to the question of an extraterrestrial presence engaging with us humans.
In response, Phil Larson of the White House office of science and technology policy, said that the US government has no evidence that life exists outside Earth, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted any member of the human race.
As someone who strongly believes that out of the trillions and trillions of stars, it would be improbable that there isn't life evolving on one of the rocks circling them although many disagree. The main reason being why have we not seen them?
I answer simply because if they did take a look at us, they would keep their distance because to an outsider we must look like the last race in the Universe anyone would want to to make contact with.
Taken as a whole, we are not a peace fearing people by any stretch of the imagination. Our whole history is one of war and oppression and developing bigger and better weapons to kill each other with. We have wiped out entire species and been daft enough to seriously pollute our own environment.
If we came across another species and it was setting about doing the same thing as us, we would back off and avoid it and if the aliens have any sense at all, they have done the same thing and scarpered back to whence they came with the message of giving that blue planet a miss, they are crazy.


  1. well, i worked for a shuttle commander and he won't deny ET's.


  2. you should see how different he acts (body laguage changes radically - he completely ignores you) when the topic is even hinted at... when on all other topics he is voracious whether he is for or against...


  3. "Fascinating q."

    Lucy, do you really find q fascinating? What is it about him that turns you on?

    Is it because he's an American and we all know from WW2 movies that English women can't say 'no' to an American.

    Is it because of his quick wit or worldly knowledge? Is he handsome in a Marlboro Man kind of way? Is his real name 'Roger'?

    Lucy, what is it about him that tickles your fancy? Is it his rigid adherence to religion and capitalism, his upright 'kwelliluscience'?

  4. yeah, i think they know things. but he (and i suspect most of the astronauts are) insanely loyal to the country and NASA. also, it is like being president. you are never out of the loop until you die. he still submits to some pretty extravagant physical tests and examinations... and he knew the whole story of the last shuttle crash weeks before it hit the news (in fact he told a couple of us about a month before the public knew).

    he has shared some really crazy cool stories about the moon landings and other shuttle missions. but you mention ETs or UFOs and you are dead to him...

