FOAB Information

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Obama Rewriting History

The Iraq war is over Barack Obama has declared with Americans troops leaving behind 'a solid, stable, representative Iraq. The greatest fighting force in the world was leaving Iraq with its head held high.'
The election campaign is swinging into action and this is exactly what is needed, a nice healthy dose of drivel to obscure the fact that the whole thing has been a disaster.
Maybe Obama didn't get to hear of the car bombs going off yesterday in Tal Afar or the shootings in Baghdad and Mosul or, more likely, he conveniently overlooked them. Democracy is messy as Donald Rumsfeld told us and so is this attempt to rewrite history.
The truth is to those of us who remember the events of 2003, the Iraq Invasion was folly from start to finish and how Obama can boast of success is insulting and shows just what little value the man who we foolishly thought was bringing change, puts on the lives of people in Iraq, that he can even think of claiming success in the wake of so many lives lost but then we have seen in Afghanistan just what Obama is about when it comes to the deaths of non-Americans.
This disastrous war may be over but the one in Afghanistan continues and there are others in the pipeline against Iran and possibly Syria.
Rather than holding it's head up high and attempting to whitewash history, the American military, just as the UK military did, is slinking off with it's tails between its legs after yet another calamitous military intervention under its belt and no amount of deluded cheer leading from the under-pressure Commander in Chief will disguise it.


  1. They say that bullshit baffles brains, Lucy. Not even Obama's silver, forked tongue can get away with this grotesque lie.

    One thing that Americans are really good at is stuffing things up. They really think that bombing and killing non-white people wins hearts and minds, makes people love you and want to adopt your values (what values?).

    Although they can't pay their bills, they are planning to do over Iran, now.

    Perhaps the Iranians will hand them a lesson just like the Vietnamese did. We can but hope!

  2. what is this non-white crap?

    David, america has plenty of problems as you frequently remind us, but no nation can be stood up as being better than america about the rights of races. and nations like sweden and switzerland that only have one race don't count at all. without doubt we will bomb anybody that messes with our economic mahcinations - regardless of race!


  3. " nation can be stood up as being better than america about the rights of races..."

    Yeah, Q, tell that to the Native Indians that you slaughtered and the African Negroes you enslaved and the people dying in Iran from your depleted uranium, etc, etc.

  4. hey david,

    for the record that was a little before i was born and i didn't kill anyone, yet.

    my point was, what nation founded since 1 AD didn't take from others? australia - ooops. new zealand - ooops. Uk oops.

    maybe canada is clean, but i'm not sure.

  5. and dwelling for a moment in the PRESENT, what nation has more races actively involved in its day to day living than the USA?


  6. Cheezy, yesterday my blog got 614 visits and 1,175 page views. What did you pathetic excuse for a blog get?

    I realize that jealousy drives most of your attacks on me. Keep in mind it's not my fault that you are intellectually challenged, a mediocre writer, and mean-spirited!

    Happy Xmas anyway!

  7. Another magnificent, scything, penetrative retort... one that cuts right to the heart of the issue, as ever... from the man who has surely inherited the recently departed Christopher Hitchens's renegade spirit as well as his fearsome debating ability. The incomparably brilliant David G.

    Re- My blog. It got 0 views yesterday. Nowt. Nada. Zero. Mainly because it is closed. I haven't written on it for about 3 years, and you need a password even to access the archives. It is an ex-blog. Pushing up daisies. Joined the choir invisible, etc, etc.

    I believe I've told you this before, so I'm absolutely shocked that you didn't comprehend the first time. You're normally so brilliant.

    PS: I'm sorry to have to say this, mate, but 613 of those 614 unique visits were me. I knew you'd be poring over your stats and I wanted to give you a semi.

  8. Scything? Did you not mean 'scathing', old chap?

    I did not know your blog was closed and I have to plead guilty to not having been back there since I saw the 'members only' sign.

    If you want to start it up again, I'll try to help you, give you some pointers.

    Lucy would help too, I'm sure!


  9. I would just put up that Jesus/YMCA picture. I might see if i can google it, pure genius. Not often i laugh until i have tears in my eyes but that was one time.
    Jeff and his jeffticles comment was about the only other time. What ever happened to him? And O'Tim, Paula Mark, Fez, Cody, Joe, imuslim and all the rest i still link to down the right hand side.

  10. David: I believe I neglected to say this to you before, but a very Merry Christmas to you, lil' buddy.

    What presents do you think you'll get this year?

    If I were you, as well as Lego and Pokemon and things like that, I'd add a dictionary to the wishlist that you give to Santa.

    2 move through or penetrate rapidly and forcefully.

    As in: You always penetrate rapidly and forcefully to the heart of every issue you discuss. I was using the word both figuratively and, of course, sarcastically.

    1 departing from a literal use of words; metaphorical.

    the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.

    Needless to say, it's not a good idea to attempt to correct someone whose language skills are far superior to your own.

    But then, it's also not a good idea to appear on a blog with the sole intention of making ad hominem attacks upon people who don't share your infantile worldview, bringing nothing else to the table... but you still do that.

    So I don't imagine my advice will be heeded. But hey, you can't say I didn't try.

    None of us are above making the odd typo or grammatical/spelling error, so trying to score a 'point' by identifying one marks you out as a sad desperate tosspot even if you're correct in the technicalities of what you're saying...

    But if you're actually wrong then how much more of a spazzy dickhead are you?... Quite a bit, I would say...

    Run along now and do your homework, there's a good chap.

    Lucy: That photo was indeed a crack-up. And as for those old-timers you mention, Tim, Paula, Cody and Joe are all Facebook friends of mine. Of those, I think I saw that O'Tim is still blogging occasionally. Don't know where Mark is, but wherever he is, I hope he's on the FBI's 'most watched' list ;)
